Leaner CSS
Leaner CSS
Leaner CSS
Manipulate CSS3 Global Variables with Javascript, like regular variables.
less.js fork
Yeoman generator for Frontsize
Leaner CSS
Leaner CSS
show variable definitions and values
`themec` is a package to manage themes.
Leaner CSS
Leaner CSS
Leaner CSS Fork
Leaner CSS - with templates
ol-lit-yol hooks multiple external modules together on a server. Some examples include Sublime Text, Teamviewer, and more!
Provides easy manipulation of the Global CSS variables in the Browser
Calculate the square root of something dynamically in CSS
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Leaner CSS
myless is a less commpile tool based on less2.5.3, add the following features for less: * support multiline string. * enable use to extend less support function through add file at specify path. * enable to extend less support function throw install