1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

screencalc v1.0.0

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8 years ago


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ScreenCalc is a powerful JavaScript module which makes it easy to answer almost any kind of question about the properties of a display. For example:

What is the resolution of a 16:9 screen with 1,440,000 pixels?

var screen = new ScreenCalc({
    ratio:      16/9,
    pixelCount: 1440000

var w = screen.getPixelWidth();  // 1600
var h = screen.getPixelHeight(); // 900

What are the physical dimensions and ppi of a 50-inch 1080p television screen?

var screen = new ScreenCalc({
    pixelWidth:   1920,
    pixelHeight:  1080,
    diagonalSize: 50

var w = screen.getPhysicalWidth();  // 43.579
var h = screen.getPhysicalHeight(); // 24.513
var d = screen.getPixelDensity();   // 44.058

What resolution is needed for a 27-inch 16:9 display with 300ppi?

var screen = new ScreenCalc({
    diagonalSize: 27,
    pixelDensity: 300,
    ratio:        16/9

var w = screen.getPixelWidth();  // 7059.762
var h = screen.getPixelHeight(); // 3971.116

What is the aspect ratio and diagonal size of a screen with an area of 8437.5 square centimeters and a width of 112.5 centimeters?

var screen = new ScreenCalc({
    area: 8437.5,
    physicalWidth: 112.5

var r = screen.getStringRatio();  // 3:2
var d = screen.getDiagonalSize(); // 135.2


Install using npm:

npm install screencalc

Require the module and instantiate with any combination of properties:

var ScreenCalc = require('screencalc');

var screen = new ScreenCalc({
    ratio:          16/10,
    pixelDensity:   225,
    physicalHeight: 4.5

Full list of settable properties

  1. ratio
  2. pixelWidth
  3. pixelHeight
  4. pixelCount
  5. pixelDensity
  6. physicalWidth
  7. physicalHeight
  8. area
  9. diagonalSize

Each of these properties has a corresponding getPropertyName() method (e.g. getPixelHeight()). Methods will throw an error if there is not enough data to perform the calculation:

var noPixels = new ScreenCalc({
    physicalWidth:  30,
    physicalHeight: 18

noPixels.getPixelCount(); // Error: Insufficient data to calculate pixel count

Note: ScreenCalc intentionally avoids rounding any values calculated by these methods (including pixel width, pixel height, and pixel count). When working with imprecise data, be sure to round results as necessary.

Simplified ratio calculation

In addition to the getter methods corresponding to each settable property, ScreenCalc comes with two additional methods for calculating simplified ratios: getSimpleRatio() and getStringRatio().

getSimpleRatio() returns an object with width and height properties containing the simplified ratio. Additionally, a difference property stores the difference between the simplified ratio and the exact ratio of the screen. The difference will be zero if the simplified ratio is precise.

var laptop = new ScreenCalc({
    pixelWidth:  1366,
    pixelHeight: 768

var ratio = laptop.getSimpleRatio(); // { width: 16, height: 9, difference: -0.0008680555555555802 }

getStringRatio() returns the same simplified ratio as getSimpleRatio(), but as a string in the format width:height. If the simplified ratio is not exact, a tilde will be prepended to the string:

var strRatio = laptop.getStringRatio(); // "~16:9"

Both getSimpleRatio() and getStringRatio() accept an optional parameter to override the default precision. This parameter should be a number between 0 and 1, where values closer to zero increase the precision. If not specified, the precision will default to 5.0e-3.

var exactRatio = laptop.getSimpleRatio(1.0e-5); // { width: 683, height: 384, difference: 0 }
var exactStrRatio = laptop.getStringRatio(1.0e-5); // "683:384"


ScreenCalc is written in TypeScript. After editing files, run npm install to compile everything and create a browser test bundle. Run npm test to ensure all the tests pass, or use test/browser/index.html to run the tests in a browser. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome!


Theodore Brown




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