Chakra UI layout components that give you massive speed
Chakra UI layout components that give you massive speed
React Component to maintain a consistent width-to-height ratio (aspect ratio), preventing cumulative layout shift.
A simple utility function, and command line utility, for calculating an aspect ratio based on width and height.
Small component that allows you to create responsive elements that will keep their ratio on different screen sizes.
Image aspect ratio is a utility module which provides straight-forward, way to calculate aspect ratio of a image to fit within a given box.
Simple implementation of fixed aspect ratio in pure CSS
Set Custom Aspect Ratio to the Wrap Element(fence)
responsive react image grid component that respects aspect ratios
Calculate data about any display (width, height, ratio, area, density, etc.)
Drop-in replacement for Electron's BrowserWindow with working aspect ratio on Windows
A grid container that adapts the number of columns to limit the aspect ratio of its children
A Polymer 3.0 Custom Element Where the Height Depends on the Width
An aspect ratio plugin for Tailwind CSS, using the pseudo-element technique
A responsive React component used to display a Twitch stream. Simple to use and maintains the expected 16:9 aspect ratio.
Utility to calculate aspect ratio from bounding box, and get width or height
Slinky Responsive CSS Framework: Utilities Library, miscellaneous helpers which aren't yet big enough for a dedicated library.
A sass library for fluid containers that handle aspect ratios across device sizes
image resize, canvas resize
PostCSS plugin to generate styles for maintaining block aspect ratio of referenced background image