1.2.2 • Published 3 years ago

screeners-cli v1.2.2

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3 years ago

Screeners CLI

The Screeners CLI allows users to post video files to the Screeners API via the command line instead of a web browser. Shows and episodes cannot be created with this tool: video files can be uploaded or replaced to any existing episode on a given account.

In order to authenticate into the Screeners CLI, users must contact Screeners directly.


First, install the CLI globally: npm i -g screeners-cli This will allow you to execute commands regardless of which directory your terminal is pointed to.

scli init Initializes the Screeners CLI. You will be prompted to enter an API key and a client ID, which can be obtained only by contacting Screeners support and speaking with an engineer. You should only need to run this command once.

Note: If you encounter this error:

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted

while running the above command, run sudo scli init to execute this command as an administrator.

scli init --reset= all, apiKey, clientId Resets the specified authentication values. all clears both API key and client ID, while the other two clear their respective values.

Once you're authenticated, navigate to the directory your video file is in, and type of one the following commands: scli upload or scli replace

Both will launch a series prompts asking you to select your Network, Show, and Episode. Results can be selected with arrow keys, or by typing, as results are filtered by a fuzzy search. After you have made your selections, the video files in your current directory will be listed, and selecting one will begin the upload or replace process.

Use upload if an episode does not already contain a video file. If an episode does contain a file, use the replace command.

Shows and episodes cannot be created via the CLI. These actions must still be performed via the web application.


Use npm run build to build the application. The CLI's oclif configuration currently supports only MacOS.

Once the build completes, a .pkg file will be added to dist/macos.