0.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

semantic-dependencies v0.1.2

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Last release
5 years ago

Semantic Dependencies

npm version

This tool converts the node_modules dependencies of an npm project to RDF. Currently this is done by parsing the output of the npm ls command, while in the future we also want to be able to simply parse a given node_modules folder.

Note that this is not the same as the dependencies that can be found in a package.json file! The output will contain the actually installed versions, not the semantic ranges.

Sample output when this is executed on its own folder:

@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#>.
@prefix npm: <https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/vocabularies/npm#>.
@prefix doc: <https://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/pim/doc#>.

<#software> npm:engine <https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/engines/node/v6.5.0>, <https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/3.10.3>;
    doap:name "node-dependency-parser";
    doap:revision "0.1.1".
<https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/minimist/1.2.0> doap:revision "1.2.0";
    doap:name "minimist".
<#software> doc:dependsOn <https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/minimist/1.2.0>.
<https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/minimist/1.2.0> doap:file-release <https://registry.npmjs.org/minimist/-/minimist-1.2.0.tgz>.
<https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/n3/0.10.0> doap:revision "0.10.0";
    doap:name "n3".
<#software> doc:dependsOn <https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/n3/0.10.0>.
<https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/n3/0.10.0> doap:file-release <https://registry.npmjs.org/n3/-/n3-0.10.0.tgz>.
<https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/valid-url/1.0.9> doap:revision "1.0.9";
    doap:name "valid-url".
<#software> doc:dependsOn <https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/valid-url/1.0.9>.
<https://linkedsoftwaredependencies.org/bundles/npm/valid-url/1.0.9> doap:file-release <https://registry.npmjs.org/valid-url/-/valid-url-1.0.9.tgz>.

This output shows the packages that were installed for this package when this was executed.


This package can be installed via npm.

$ npm install -g semantic-dependencies


semantic-dependencies [-r root] [-f format] FOLDER
  -r root   : URI to use for the root module.
  -f format : Output format, see below for a full list of supported formats
format: text/turtle, application/n-triples, etc. (all those supported by N3.js)

FOLDER needs to be the root folder of the project. -r is for changing the root URI that needs to be used for this project. The default is #software.


This software is written by Joachim Van Herwegen.

This code is released under the MIT license.