0.0.6 • Published 6 years ago

serve-gridfs v0.0.6

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6 years ago


Middleware to serve static files using mongodb gridfs

Based on serve-static

Tested on node 7.x, npm 4.x

Require node-mongodb-native 2.x


$ npm i serve-gridfs


import serveGridfs from 'serve-gridfs'

serveGridfs(mongoConnection, { options })

Create a new middleware function to serve files from a mongodb gridfs collection. The file to be served is based on req.url. In a default setting, when a file is not found, this middleware call next(), instead of returning 404, to be in line with the express serve-static middleware.


Internally, this middleware use promised based mongo client, so pass in the connection detail here.

const mongoConnection = MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/myApp')


All options are optional

bucketNamestring'fs'Default set by mongodb
chunkSizeBytesnumber261120255 * 1024
byIdbooltrueThe file sepecified in req.url by default is the mongodb _id, if set to false, mongodb will look for filename instead of _id, see example below. When multiple files have the same filename, by default, the latest file will be served
acceptRangesbooltrueSetting to false will not send Accept-Ranges and ignore the contents of the Range request header
cacheControlbool or stringtrueSetting to false will disable the Cache-Control in a response header. The default is public, max-age=0. You can set this to any string, which will also overide the maxAge key below.
maxAgenumber0Set this to whatever you like in seconds
etagbooltruemd5 generated by mongodb gridfs
fallthroughbooltrueBy default, when the file specified in req.url cannot be found in mongodb gridfs collection, a next() will be called without an error. If set to false, a next(new Error('FileNotFound)) will be called. Also, setting to false will throw a 405 http status code if req.method is not GET or HEAD
setHeadersfunctionnullsignature function (res, path, stat) {}. path is the requested file path, the stat is the stat of the file if present, produced by mongodb fs.files, typically, it is { _id, length, chuckSize, uploadDate, md5, filename }, see uploadStream


// with express js

import express from 'express'
import { MongoClient, GridFSBucket } from 'mongodb'
import serveGridfs from 'serve-gridfs'

const app = express()
const mongoConnection = MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/myApp')

app.use('/uploads', serveGridfs(mongoConnection))
app.use('/uploads_byname', serveGridfs(mongoConnection, { byId: false }))

const options = {
  bucketName: 'somethingElse',
  setHeaders(res, path, stat) {
    if (stat && stat.contentType === 'application/pdf' && stat.length > 102400000) res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename = ' + path)
app.use('/uploads2', serveGridfs(mongoConnection, { bucketName: 'somethingElse' }))

Retriving a file

# Assuming there is a file with an _id of 001 and a filename of cat.png in mongodb gridfs collection, the following commands will retrieve the same file

$ curl http://localhost:3000/uploads/001
$ curl http://localhost:3000/uploads_byname/cat.png


  • Due to gridfs configuration, you can have an _id or filename containing slash, such as cat/001 or cat/tom.png as an _id and filename respectively. In this case, curl http://localhost:3000/uploads/cat/001 and curl http://localhost:3000/uploads_byname/cat/tom.png will resolve to the same file.

6 years ago


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