1.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

server-foundation v1.0.5

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Last release
6 years ago


A foundation for an Express-powered Node.js server. Not wanting to copy the same boilerplate code for every project, I created this library as a comfortable wrapper around it.


npm install server-foundation


server-foundation uses Express internally, as already mentioned. Apart from that, the following libraries are used:

  • helmet for secure HTTP headers
  • compression for response compression
  • express-content-length-validator for request length validation
  • body-parser for request parsing
  • hpp for HTTP parameter polution prevention

Internal features implemented on top of that:

  • Cross site script inclusion (XSSI) prevention


The following sample illustrates server-foundation's usage:

const server = require("server-foundation");

server.disableXssiProtection();	// to this in order to disable the aforementioned XSSI protection in case your HTTP client of choice cannot deal with it.

server.beforeStartup(app => {
	// do something before the app's startup. The parameter app is the Express app object

server.afterStartup(() => {
	// do something after the app's startup

server.registerRoutes(router => {
	// register the app's routes. The parameter router is the Express router object

	// router.get("/users", ...

server.start(8080, "sample-app");	// start the app, available at localhost:8080/sample-app
// alternatively, the second parameter can be omitted to make the app available at the server root.
// if both parameters are omitted, the port set in process.env.PORT, if any, or the default port 8080 is used