1.0.5 • Published 9 years ago
share-js-stream v1.0.5
ShareJSStream is a stream that can be used to manage communication between a ShareJS client and a ws connection.
It is a basic drop-in implementation of the ShareJS example stream.
npm install share-js-stream
When a connection is established on a ws server, tell a ShareJS server client to listen on a ShareJSStream:
var ShareJSStream = require('share-js-stream');
var WsServer = require('ws').Server;
var http = require('http');
var livedb = require('livedb');
var shareServer = require('share').server.createClient({
backend: livedb.client(livedb.memory())
http.createServer().listen(process.env.PORT, function onListen() {
var wsServer = new WsServer({ server: this });
wsServer.on('connection', onConnection);
function onConnection(conn) {
var stream = new ShareJSStream(conn);
Run tests:
npm test
There is also a sandbox that can be started:
node test/sandbox
This will serve a basic ShareJS app (with an in-memory store) on
or port 5000. Debugging on the ShareJSStream is enabled here,
so you'll see verbose logging for stream activity in the console.