JSON OT type
JSON OT type
OT type for rich text
OT type for plaintext
OT type for plaintext
Fuzzer for operational transformation data types
OT type for text, with transform property 2 (suitable for P2P)
JSON OT type
PostgreSQL adapter for ShareDB. forked from share/sharedb-postgres
OT type for rich text
JSON OT type
JSON OT type
CodeMirror bindings for ShareJS
A ShareDB binding that allows you to bind element attributes like `id`, `class`, `style` and of course input's `value`
Redis adapter for ShareDB
MySQL adapter for ShareDB
a stream to manage ShareJS <-> WebSocket client communications
Share access-control midleware
Ace Editor bindings for ShareJS
ACE bindings for ShareJS
Base class for binding [sharedb](https://github.com/share/sharedb) text diff data operations sent to a generic HTML element. Implementation of curran's commit to enable StringBinding, binding.setup() on non-textarea HTML elements.