0.3.1 • Published 9 years ago

signupsio.js v0.3.1

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Last release
9 years ago


Signups.io has moved to Formster.io, so this package no longer functions. Use the formster.js package instead.

signupsio.js - the Signups.io Client-side Library

Signups.io is a service to let you easily create and track sign up forms on static web pages. For more information and examples, visit Signups.io.


CDN (recommended)

Signups.io maintains a CDN for the signupsio.js Library (built as a standalone). The format for requests to the CDN is: protocol://cdn.signups.io/{version}/{script}

Simply drop a script tag in, and you're ready to go:

    <script src="//cdn.signups.io/v0.3.0/signupsio.min.js"></script>


The signupsio.js library is built using Browserify. Standalone libraries are available in [build/](/build), and are exposed to the window object as Signupsio if no other module system is detected. Browserify uses UMD to expose standalone modules.


To include the client-side library in your own Browserify build, just install the signupsio.js package through npm:

    $ npm install signupsio.js


Auto Tracking

signupsio.js automatically scans the page for <form>s with a className of signupsio on DOMReady. Upon finding them, it instantiates the API and starts tracking. For the majority of cases, this automatic tracking is sufficient. To trigger auto tracking at a later time, call the auto method of the Signupsio object:

    function callMeLater() {

Signupsio.js keeps track of which forms it is tracking, so calling auto multiple times will not result in a duplication of data.

Manual Tracking

In some cases, more control over the form tracking process might be desirable.


Signupsio is a constructor for the API which takes the API key as its only parameter:

    var signupsio = new Signupsio('YOUR_API_KEY');

Track Form

To track a form (including form clicks and submissions), pass the DOM element to the trackForm method:


Page Visit

To track a visit to a page, use the visit method with a page name as the only paramter:


Underlying API Library

The guts of signupsio.js, most users will never need to touch the underlying library. However, it is exposed on the Signupsio object as Signupsio.Api. Any changes made to the Api object will be used in all future instances of Signupsio.