1.0.16 • Published 2 years ago

simpletslinq v1.0.16

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Last release
2 years ago


Welcome to SimpleTsLinq! This is a simple to use library that bridges the gap towards Typescript and Array handling methods for developers such as those with a C# and Linq background!

  • It is a simple library
  • It does not sport advanced Linq kind of functionality such as delayed execution. (One method though uses generator functions which can be delayed - EnumerableRange).
  • It quacks like Linq and walks like Linq, but it still is not a true Linq clone. For that, consider more advanced libraries such as TsLinq.
  • It is easy to extend and can be forked easily from Github (use the link) to adjust your needs.
  • It can easily be tested using 'ng test' (Karma / Jasmine specs).

To get started, import the following:

import { StarWarsMovies } from "simpletslinq/dist/StarwarsMovies";
import { Movie } from "simpletslinq/dist/Movie";
import "simpletslinq";

The first two lines are just some sample data.

The following code shows example usage - note that these are only some of the methods available! :

export class AppComponent {
  title = "SimpleTsLinq Consumption demo";

  firstMovieWithBoba: Movie;
  lastMovieWithBoba: Movie;
  allMoviesWithLeia: Movie[];
  starwarsMovies: string;
  allTitlesAndEpisodeNumbers: any[];
  groupedMoviesWithJarJarBinks: any[];

  movieStarringJarJarBinks: boolean;

  movieStarringSomeOneSkyWalker: boolean;

  someGeneratedNumbers: number[];

  constructor() {
    this.starwarsMovies = JSON.stringify(StarWarsMovies);
    this.firstMovieWithBoba = StarWarsMovies.FirstOrDefault<Movie>(
      m => m.main_characters.indexOf("Boba Fett") >= 0
    this.allMoviesWithLeia = StarWarsMovies.Where<Movie>(
      m => m.main_characters.indexOf("Princess Leia Organa") >= 0

    this.lastMovieWithBoba = StarWarsMovies.LastOrDefault<Movie>(
      m => m.main_characters.indexOf("Boba Fett") >= 0

    this.allTitlesAndEpisodeNumbers = StarWarsMovies.Select<Movie>(
    this.groupedMoviesWithJarJarBinks = StarWarsMovies.GroupBy<Movie>(movie =>
      movie.main_characters.indexOf("Jar Jar Binks") >= 0
        ? "Movie starring JarJar"
        : "Movie not starring JarJar"


    console.log("Generating some numbers in an enumerable range");
    for (let num in [].EnumerableRange(1, 10)) {
    this.someGeneratedNumbers = [].EnumerableRange(1, 10);

    this.movieStarringJarJarBinks = StarWarsMovies.Any<Movie>(
      m => m.main_characters.indexOf("Jar Jar Binks") >= 0
    this.movieStarringSomeOneSkyWalker = StarWarsMovies.All<Movie>(m =>
      m.main_characters.Any<string>(ch => ch.search(/SkyWalker/i) >= 0)

Methods available in SimpleTsLinq:

  type predicate<T> = (arg: T) => boolean;
  type sortingValue<T> = (arg: T) => any;
  type keySelector<T> = (arg: T) => any;
  type resultSelector<T, TInner> = (arg: T, arg2: TInner) => any;

  interface IArray<T> consists of multiple Array.prototype implementations.

    FirstOrDefault<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    SingleOrDefault<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    First<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    Single<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    LastOrDefault<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    AddRange<T>(itemsToAdd: T[]);
    InsertRange<T>(index: number, itemsToAdd: T[]);
    RemoveAt(index: number): T;
    RemoveWhere<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T[];  
    Join<T, TInner>(otherArray: TInner[], outerKeySelector: keySelector<T>,
      innerKeySelector: keySelector<TInner>, res: resultSelector<T, TInner>): any[];
    Where<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T[];
    Count<T>(): number;
    CountBy<T>(condition: predicate<T>): number;
    Select<T>(...properties: (keyof T)[]): any[];
    GroupBy<T>(groupFunc: (arg: T) => string): any[];
    EnumerableRange(start: number, count: number): number[];
    Any<T>(condition: predicate<T>): boolean;
    Contains<T>(item: T): boolean;
    All<T>(condition: predicate<T>): boolean;
    MaxSelect<T>(property: (keyof T)): any;
    MinSelect<T>(property: (keyof T)): any;
    Average<T>(): number;
    AverageSelect<T>(property: (keyof T)): number;
    Max(): any;
    Min(): any;
    Sum(): any;
    Reverse<T>(): T[];
    Empty<T>(): T[];
    Except<T>(otherArray: T[]): T[];
    Intersect<T>(otherArray: T[]): T[];
    Union<T>(otherArray: T[]): T[];
    Cast<TOtherType>(TOtherType: Function): TOtherType[];
    TryCast<TOtherType>(TOtherType: Function): TOtherType[];
    GetProperties<T>(TClass: Function, sortProps: boolean): string[];
    Concat<T>(otherArray: T[]): T[];
    Distinct<T>(): T[];
    DistinctBy<T>(property: (keyof T)): any;
    SumSelect<T>(property: (keyof T)): any;
    Intersect<T>(otherArray: T[]): T[];
    IntersectSelect<T>(property: (keyof T), otherArray: T[]): T[];
    MinSelect<T>(property: (keyof T)): any;
    OrderBy<T>(sortMember: sortingValue<T>): T[];
    OrderByDescending<T>(sortMember: sortingValue<T>): T[];
    ThenBy<T>(sortMember: sortingValue<T>): T[];
    OfType<T>(compareObject: T): T[];
    SequenceEqual<T>(compareArray: T): boolean;
    Take<T>(count: number): T[];
    ToDictionary<T>(keySelector: (arg: T) => string): any;
    TakeWhile<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T[];
    SkipWhile<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T[];
    Skip<T>(count: number): T[];
    defaultComparerSort<T>(x: T, y: T);
    ElementAt<T>(index: number);
    ElementAtOrDefault<T>(index: number);
    Aggregate<T>(accumulator: any, currentValue: any, reducerFunc: (accumulator: any, currentValue: any) => any): any;
    AggregateSelect<T>(property: (keyof T), accumulator: any, currentValue: any, reducerFunc: (accumulator: any, currentValue: any) => any): any;

Note - this is not 'Linq'! It is similar to Linq in syntax and functionality, but not a full fledged LinqProvider for Typescript. It does also not star delayed execution, this is possible in other libraries (such as TsLinq). It could though be used for many scenarios, still. The goal is to help out developers coming from a C# and Linq background to do array operations in Typescript with same kind of syntax as Linq. This library is very easy to understand and extend. You can fork the repo from Github linked also here (see Homepage and repository links on npmjs portal to the right).

This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.1. It is however built from a lib folder within. There are no dependencies other than the library itself, plus two libs for ES5 compability. (There are multiple dev dependencies to the Angular compiler and Angular libs, if you want to fork this library).

To test out the library run one of these two commands:

npm run test
ng test

You can install ng Angular CLI using :

npm install -g @angular/cli

The library contains assorted methods that covers a lot of functionality that Linq offers for developers coming from a background of C# and Linq.

The library contains additional helper methods to work with arrays. Most methods are Array prototype methods or 'extension methods' to make the similarity with Linq even more clear.

To use these Linq helper methods, just apply them directly on array instances or just type '[].' to list them up.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

Forking this library to your own.

Modify files:

  • array-extensions.ts
  • array-extensions.spec.ts

Copy modifications done into these two into the lib folder in the files:

  • index.ts
  • index.spec.ts

Modify package.json in lib folder. Change name of library and bump version. Now just publish to Npm.

npm login
#your credentials please.
npm publish

Note: Before publish you will need to run npm install if not done yet as the prepublish step runs tsc, Typescript compiler.