3.2.1 • Published 4 years ago

solhint-portable v3.2.1

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这是一个用于检查 Solidity 代码语法错误以及缺陷的项目. 这个项目提供了 安全 and 代码风格 的检查.

本项目从 https://github.com/protofire/sohint fork 过来,目标是与浏览器完全兼容。


你可以通过 npm 进行安装:

npm install -g solhint

# verify that it was installed correctly
solhint --version


First initialize a configuration file, if you don't have one:

solhint --init

This will create a .solhint.json file with the default rules enabled. Then run Solhint with one or more Globs as arguments. For example, to lint all files inside contracts directory, you can do:

solhint "contracts/**/*.sol"

To lint a single file:

solhint contracts/MyToken.sol

Run solhint without arguments to get more information:

Usage: solhint [options] <file> [...other_files]

Linter for Solidity programming language


  -V, --version                           output the version number
  -f, --formatter [name]                  report formatter name (stylish, table, tap, unix)
  -w, --max-warnings [maxWarningsNumber]  number of allowed warnings
  -c, --config [file_name]                file to use as your .solhint.json
  -q, --quiet                             report errors only - default: false
  --ignore-path [file_name]               file to use as your .solhintignore
  --fix                                   automatically fix problems
  --init                                  create configuration file for solhint
  -h, --help                              output usage information


  stdin [options]                         linting of source code data provided to STDIN


You can use a .solhint.json file to configure Solhint for the whole project.

To generate a new sample .solhint.json file in current folder you can do:

solhint --init 

This file has the following format:

    "extends": "solhint:recommended",
    "plugins": [],
    "rules": {
      "avoid-suicide": "error",
      "avoid-sha3": "warn"

A full list of all supported rules can be found here.

To ignore files that do not require validation you can use a .solhintignore file. It supports rules in the .gitignore format.


Extendable rulesets

The default rulesets provided by solhint are the following:

  • solhint:default
  • solhint:recommended

Use one of these as the value for the "extends" property in your configuration file.

Configure the linter with comments

You can use comments in the source code to configure solhint in a given line or file.

For example, to disable all validations in the line following a comment:

  // solhint-disable-next-line
  uint[] a;

You can disable specific rules on a given line. For example:

  // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time, not-rely-on-block-hash
  uint pseudoRand = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, blockhash(block.number))));

Disable validation on current line:

  uint pseudoRand = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, blockhash(block.number)))); // solhint-disable-line

Disable specific rules on current line:

   uint pseudoRand = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, blockhash(block.number)))); // solhint-disable-line not-rely-on-time, not-rely-on-block-hash

You can disable a rule for a group of lines:

  /* solhint-disable avoid-tx-origin */
  function transferTo(address to, uint amount) public {
    require(tx.origin == owner);
  /* solhint-enable avoid-tx-origin */

Or disable all validations for a group of lines:

  /* solhint-disable */
  function transferTo(address to, uint amount) public {
    require(tx.origin == owner);
  /* solhint-enable */


Security Rules

Full list with all supported Security Rules

Style Guide Rules

Full list with all supported Style Guide Rules

Best Practices Rules

Full list with all supported Best Practices Rules


Related documentation you may find here.

IDE Integrations

Table of Contents

  • Roadmap: The core project's roadmap - what the core team is looking to work on in the near future.
  • Contributing: The core Solhint team :heart: contributions. This describes how you can contribute to the Solhint Project.
  • Shareable configs: How to create and share your own configurations.
  • Writing plugins: How to extend Solhint with your own rules.


Who uses Solhint?



The Solidity parser used is @solidity-parser/parser.



Back us

Solhint is free to use and open-sourced. If you value our effort and feel like helping us to keep pushing this tool forward, you can send us a small donation. We'll highly appreciate it :)

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