1.1.36 • Published 5 years ago

staart-manager v1.1.36

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5 years ago


Staart is a Node.js backend starter for SaaS startups written in TypeScript. It has built-in user management and authentication, billing, organizations, GDPR tools, and more.

BuildGitHub Actions Travis CI Circle CI Azure Pipelines
DependenciesDependencies Dev dependencies Vulnerabilities
CommunityContributors GitHub Type definitions

Staart is build to work with Staart UI, the frontend starter for SaaS.

⭐ Features

🔐 Security

  • Authentication and user management with JWT
  • Two-factor authentication with TOTP
  • Setup multiple emails for each account
  • OAuth2 login with third-party accounts
  • Location-based login verification
  • Security event logging and history

💳 SaaS

  • Subscriptions management with Stripe
  • Organizations, teams, and user permissions
  • Invoices, billing, credit cards, payments
  • Rich HTML transactional emails with SES
  • GDPR-proof data export and delete
  • Affiliates and commission management
  • API gateway with API keys and rate limits
  • Auto-join members with domain verification

👩‍💻 Developer utilities

  • Decorators and class syntax with OvernightJS
  • Injection-proof helpers for querying databases
  • Data pagination and CRUD utilities for all tables
  • Authorization helpers (can a user do this?)
  • TypeScript interfaces for tables (ORM)
  • Caching and invalidation for common queries
  • User impersonation for super-admin
  • Easy redirect rules in YAML
  • Store server logs in ElasticSearch every minute

🛠 Usage

  1. Use this template or fork this repository
  2. Install dependencies with yarn or npm i
  3. Add a .env file based on config.ts.
  4. Create MariaDB/MySQL tables based on schema.sql
  5. Add your controllers in the ./src/controllers directory
  6. Generate your app.ts file using yarn generate-routes
  7. Build with yarn build and deploy with yarn start

Updating Staart

To update your installation of Staart, run the following:

node setup/update.js

If you've used the "Use this template" option on GitHub, you might have to force pull from o15y/staart the first time since the histories wouldn't match. You can use the flag --allow-unrelated-histories in this case.


Staart comes with tens of helper and CRUD methods for users, organizations, and more.

View wiki docs →

View TypeDoc →

View API demo →

View frontend demo →

👩‍💼 Getting started

After forking this repository, you can get started by writing your first endpoint. We do this by creating a new file in the ./src/controllers folder. For example, create api.ts:

import { Request, Response } from "express";
import asyncHandler from "express-async-handler";
import { Get, Controller, ClassWrapper, Middleware } from "@overnightjs/core";
import { authHandler, validator } from "../helpers/middleware";
import Joi from "@hapi/joi";

export class ApiController {
      { name: Joi.string().min(3).required() },
  async sayHello(req: Request, res: Response) {
    const name = req.query.name;
    if (name === "Anand")
      return res.json({ text: `Hello, ${name}!`; });
    throw new Error("404/user-not-found");

The above code 20 lines of code with create a new endpoint which can be accessed at example.com/api/hello?name=Anand, which will respond with a JSON object with the text "Hello, Anand!".

Staart code is easily understandable. You create a new controller, api, which means all routes in this class will have the prefix /api. Then, you create an HTTP GET method hello and use our built-in validator to say that the query parameter name must be a string of at least 3 characters.

With the asyncHandler, you can use async functions and Staart will handle errors for you. In this case, if the provided name is Anand, your function returns a JSON response "Hello, Anand!" and otherwise sends an error 404.


For common tasks such as finding users or authorizing API keys, Staart provides various helper functions.

Let's look at what you need to do if you want to let users be able to delete organizations. For this, you want to check where a user is actually allowed to delete that organization, if they're logged in, and make sure nobody can brute force this endpoint.

import { can } from "../helpers/authorization";
import { Authorizations, ErrorCode } from "../interfaces/enum";
import { authHandler, bruteForceHandler } from "../helpers/middleware";
import { deleteOrganization } from "../crud/organization";

// Your controller here
async deleteOrg(req: Request, res: Response) {
  const orgId = req.params.id;
  const userId = res.locals.token.id;
  if (await can(userId, Authorizations.DELETE, "organization", orgId)) {
    await deleteOrganization(orgId);
    return res.status(204);
  throw new Error(ErrorCode.INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION);

In the above example, the Staart helpers and middleware used are:

  • Authentication (authHandler): Checks if a user's token is valid and adds res.locals.token; and if it isn't, sends a 401 Unauthorized error.
  • Brute force prevention (bruteForceHandler): Prevents users from making too many requests in a short time, can be configured via ./src/config.ts
  • Authorization (can): Returns whether a user is allowed to perform an action based on their permissions

Of course, we actually prefer to write our logic in the rest folder and only the handler as a controller. For a deeper dive into Staart, look at our Wiki docs.

👥 Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

🏗️ Built with Staart

🏁 Staart Ecosystem

The Staart ecosystem consists of open-source projects to build your SaaS startup, written in TypeScript.

🛠️ StaartNode.js backend with RESTful APIsTravis CI GitHub
🌐 Staart UIFrontend Vue.js Progressive Web AppTravis CI GitHub
📱 Staart NativeReact Native app for Android and iOSTravis CI GitHub
🎨 Staart.cssSass/CSS framework and utilitiesTravis CI GitHub

📄 License