1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago
stasis-web v1.0.3
is a command line utility to scrape webpage and create local version.
I create this to create a static copy of my ghost blog such that I can host them on static site like S3. This may or maynot work for your site, YMMV.
npm install -g stasis-web
You can now use stasis
from the command line.
Download a site to a local folder:
stasis -a https://yourblog.com -d ./static
Download a site running locally to a local folder, and replace the local url of the file to new address:
stasis -a http://localhost:2368 -d ./static
replace 'http://localhost:2368' 'http://mynewdomain.com' './static' -r -q
After convert the web site to static file, you can publish it with zeit now-static:
cd ./static && now
> Ready! https://static-fkghqwgpbn.now.sh/ (copied to clipboard) [3s]
Or upload to s3
aws s3 website s3://my-bucket/ --index-document index.html --error-document error.html
aws s3 cp --acl=public-read ./static s3://my-bucket/ --recursive
You might also upload with Apex up