4.2.1 • Published 6 years ago

swagger-http-router v4.2.1

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6 years ago


A HTTP router based on your Swagger/OpenAPI definition.

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Why write code when you have a Swagger/OpenAPI definition?

By taking part of the Swagger/OpenAPI standard and dependency injection patterns, swagger-http-router provides a convenient, highly modular and easily testable REST tool.


import { constant } from 'knifecycle';
import initDB from './services/db';
import {
} from 'swagger-http-router';

import API from './swagger.api.json';
import * as HANDLERS from './handlers';


async function run() {
  try {
    // STEP 1: Spawn a Knifecycle instance and attach
    // it the API definition and its handlers
    const $ = initWepApplication(API, HANDLERS);

    // STEP 2: Register additional services
    // Override the build in `uniqueId` service
    // with the UUID v4 function
    $.register(constant('uniqueId', uuid.v4))
    // Provide the process environment
    .register(constant('ENV', process.env))
    // Register the database initializer

    // STEP 3: Run your app!
    // Run the execution silo that encapsulates the app
    // Note that the `httpServer` and `process` services
    // are injected for their respective side effects:
    // creating the server and managing the process
    // lifecycle
    const { ENV, log, $destroy } = await $.run(['ENV', 'log', 'httpServer', 'process', '$destroy']);

    log('info', `On air 🚀🌕`);

    if(ENV.DRY_RUN) {
      await $destroy();
  } catch(err) {
    console.error('💀 - Cannot launch the process:', err.stack);

In order to work, your Swagger definition endpoints must provide an operationId. This is how the router figures out which handler to run. Those ids have to be unique. Here is a sample Swagger definition you could use as is:

// file: ./my-swagger.json
  "host": "localhost:1337",
  "basePath": "/v1",
  "schemes": ["http"],
  // (...)
  "paths": {
    "GET": {
      "/users/{userId}": {
        "operationId": "getUser",
        "summary": "Retrieve a user.",
        "produces": [
        "parameters": [{
          "in": "path",
          "name": "userId",
          "type": "number",
          "pattern": "^[0-9]+$"
        }, {
          "in": "query",
          "name": "extended",
          "type": "boolean"
        }, {
          "in": "header",
          "name": "Content-Type",
          "type": "string"
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "User found",
            "schema": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "id": { "type": "number" },
                "name": { "type": "string" }
          "404": {
            "description": "User not found"

To bring to the router the logic that each endpoint implements, you have to create handlers for each operationId:

// file: ./handlers.js

// Knifecycle is the dependency injection tool
// we use. It provides decorators to declare
// which dependencies to inject in your handlers
import { initializer } from 'knifecycle/dist/util';

export default initializer(
    name: 'getUser',
    type: 'service',
    inject: ['db'],

async function getUser({ db }) {
  return async ({ userId }) => {
    const user = await db.query('users', {
      id: userId,

    return {
      status: 200,
      headers: {},
      body: {
        id: userId,
        name: user.name,

As you can see, handlers are just asynchronous functions that takes the request parameters in input and provide a JSON serializable response in output.

This router is designed to be used with a DI system and is particularly useful with knifecycle.

That said, you could completely avoid using a DI system by simply using the initializers as functions and handle their initialization manually. See this alternate example.


This router is just my way to do things. It is nice if you use it and I'd be happy if you improve it.

To be honest, I think this is a better approach but I do not want to spend energy and fight with giants to make this a standard approach. It means that it will probably never be the next hype and if you use it you must feel confident with forking and maintaining it yourself. That said, the code is well documented and not that hard. Also, the handlers you will end with will be easily reusable in any framework with little to no changes.

You may wonder why I found that I'd better write my own router instead of using current solutions like ExpressJS or HapiJS:

  • I want documentation first APIs. No documentation, no web service.
  • I want my code to be clear and descriptive instead of binded to some cryptic middleware or plugin defined elsewhere. Here are some thoughts on middlewares that explain this statement in more depth.
  • I want easily testable and reusable handlers just returning plain JSON. To be able to reuse it in multiple situations: a lambda/serverless back-end, when rendering server side React views or in my GraphQL server resolvers.
  • I prefer functional programming: it just makes my code better. There are too many encapsulated states in existing frameworks. I just want my handlers to be pure and composable. For example, why adding a CORS middleware or plugin when you can just compose handlers?
import { reuseSpecialProps } from 'knifecycle/dist/util';

const CORS = {
  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
  'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, OPTIONS',
  'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Keep-Alive,User-Agent',

export function wrapWithCORS(initHandler) {
  // `reuseSpecialProps` create a new initializer
  // with the original initializer properties
  // applyed on it.
  return reuseSpecialProps(
    initHandlerWithCORS.bind(null, initHandler)

// This function is the actual initializer that
// wraps the handler initializer. It is executed
// once at startup.
async function initHandlerWithCORS(initHandler, services) => {
  const handler = await initHandler(services);

  return handleWithCors.bind(null, handler);

// And finally this one applies CORS to the
// response
async function handleWithCors(handler, parameters) {
  const response = await handler(parameters);

  return  {
    headers: {
  • and finally, I want to be able to instrument my code without having to do ugly hacks. This is why DI and Inversion of Control are at the core of my way to handle web services.

You may want to have a look at the architecture notes of this module to better grasp how it is built.


The above usage section shows you a very basic usage of this router. For larger apps:

  • you may want to build you Swagger file to avoid repeating yourself. It won't change anything for swagger-http-router since it just assumes a Swagger file.
  • you will probably end up by automating the handlers loading with a configuration file. At that point, the DI system will become very handy.
  • you will certainly need some more services to make your app work. Please double check if one exists before creating your own. Also, handlers can be reused so feel free to publish yours and add your Swagger path objects to them in order for your users to add them to their own Swagger build.



initErrorHandler(services) ⇒ Promise

Initialize an error handler for the HTTP router

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise of a function to handle errors

servicesObjectThe services the server depends on
services.ENVObjectThe services the server depends on
services.DEBUG_NODE_ENVSArrayThe environnement that activate debugging (prints stack trace in HTTP errors responses)
services.STRINGIFYERSObjectThe synchronous body stringifyers

initErrorHandler~errorHandler(transactionId, responseSpec, err) ⇒ Promise

Handle an HTTP transaction error an map it to a serializable response

Kind: inner method of initErrorHandler
Returns: Promise - A promise resolving when the operation completes

transactionIdStringA raw NodeJS HTTP incoming message
responseSpecObjectThe response specification
errHTTPErrorThe encountered error

initWepApplication(API, HANDLERS, $) ⇒ Knifecycle

Initialize a web application

Kind: global function
Returns: Knifecycle - The passed in Knifecycle instance or the one created by default.

APIObjectThe Swagger definition of the we application
HANDLERSObjectThe handlers for each operations defined by the Swagger definition.
$KnifecyclegetInstance(A Knifecycle instance on which to set the application up.

registerHandlers($, HANDLERS) ⇒ void

Register the handlers hash into the given Knifecycle instance

Kind: global function

$KnifecycleThe Knifecycle instance on which to set up the handlers
HANDLERSObjectThe handlers hash

initHTTPRouter(services) ⇒ Promise

Initialize an HTTP router

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise of a function to handle HTTP requests.

servicesObjectThe services the server depends on
services.APIObjectThe Swagger definition of the API
services.HANDLERSObjectThe handlers for the operations decribe by the Swagger API definition
services.ENVObjectThe services the server depends on
services.DEBUG_NODE_ENVSArrayThe environnement that activate debugging (prints stack trace in HTTP errors responses)
services.BUFFER_LIMITStringThe maximum bufferisation before parsing the request body
services.PARSERSObjectThe synchronous body parsers (for operations that defines a request body schema)
services.STRINGIFYERSObjectThe synchronous body stringifyers (for operations that defines a response body schema)
services.logfunctionnoopA logging function
services.httpTransactionfunctionA function to create a new HTTP transaction

initHTTPServer(services) ⇒ Promise

Initialize an HTTP server

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise of an object with a NodeJS HTTP server in its service property.

servicesObjectThe services the server depends on
services.ENVObjectThe process environment variables
services.httpRouterfunctionThe function to run with the req/res tuple
services.logfunctionnoopA logging function

initHTTPTransaction(services) ⇒ Promise.<function()>

Instantiate the httpTransaction service

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<function()> - A promise of the httpTransaction function

servicesObjectThe services to inject
services.TIMEOUTNumber30000A number indicating how many ms the transaction should take to complete before being cancelled.
services.TRANSACTIONSObject{}A hash of every current transactions
services.timefunctionA timing function
services.delayObjectA delaying service
services.logfunctionA logging function
services.uniqueIdfunctionA function returning unique identifiers


import { initHTTPTransaction } from 'swagger-http-router';

const httpTransaction = await initHTTPTransaction({
  log: console.log.bind(console),
  time: Date.now.bind(Date),

initHTTPTransaction~httpTransaction(req, res) ⇒ Array

Create a new HTTP transaction

Kind: inner method of initHTTPTransaction
Returns: Array - The normalized request and the HTTP transaction created in an array.

reqHTTPRequestA raw NodeJS HTTP incoming message
resHTTPResponseA raw NodeJS HTTP response

flattenSwagger(API) ⇒ Object

Flatten the inputed Swagger file object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - The flattened Swagger definition

APIObjectAn Object containing a parser Swagger JSON

getSwaggerOperations(API) ⇒ Array

Return a Swagger operation in a more convenient way to iterate onto its operations

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - An array of all the Swagger operations

APIObjectThe flattened Swagger defition


.map((operation) => {
   const { path, method, operationId, parameters } = operation;

  // Do something with that operation



initErrorHandler(services) ⇒ Promise

Initialize an error handler for the HTTP router

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise of a function to handle errors

servicesObjectThe services the server depends on
services.ENVObjectThe services the server depends on
services.DEBUG_NODE_ENVSArrayThe environnement that activate debugging (prints stack trace in HTTP errors responses)
services.STRINGIFYERSObjectThe synchronous body stringifyers

initErrorHandler~errorHandler(transactionId, responseSpec, err) ⇒ Promise

Handle an HTTP transaction error and map it to a serializable response

Kind: inner method of initErrorHandler
Returns: Promise - A promise resolving when the operation completes

transactionIdStringA raw NodeJS HTTP incoming message
responseSpecObjectThe response specification
errHTTPErrorThe encountered error

initWepApplication(API, HANDLERS, $) ⇒ Knifecycle

Initialize a web application

Kind: global function
Returns: Knifecycle - The passed in Knifecycle instance or the one created by default.

APIObjectThe Swagger definition of the we application
HANDLERSObjectThe handlers for each operations defined by the Swagger definition.
$KnifecyclegetInstance(A Knifecycle instance on which to set the application up.

initHTTPRouter(services) ⇒ Promise

Initialize an HTTP router

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise of a function to handle HTTP requests.

servicesObjectThe services the server depends on
services.APIObjectThe Swagger definition of the API
services.HANDLERSObjectThe handlers for the operations decribe by the Swagger API definition
services.ENVObjectThe services the server depends on
services.DEBUG_NODE_ENVSArrayThe environnement that activate debugging (prints stack trace in HTTP errors responses)
services.BUFFER_LIMITStringThe maximum bufferisation before parsing the request body
services.PARSERSObjectThe synchronous body parsers (for operations that defines a request body schema)
services.STRINGIFYERSObjectThe synchronous body stringifyers (for operations that defines a response body schema)
services.ENCODERSObjectA map of encoder stream constructors
services.DECODERSObjectA map of decoder stream constructors
services.QUERY_PARSERObjectA query parser with the strict-qs signature
services.logfunctionnoopA logging function
services.httpTransactionfunctionA function to create a new HTTP transaction

initHTTPServer(services) ⇒ Promise

Initialize an HTTP server

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise of an object with a NodeJS HTTP server in its service property.

servicesObjectThe services the server depends on
services.ENVObjectThe process environment variables
services.HOSTObjectThe server host
services.PORTObjectThe server port
services.MAX_HEADERS_COUNTObjectThe https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_maxheaderscount
services.KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUTObjectSee https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_keepalivetimeout
services.MAX_CONNECTIONSObjectSee https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_server_maxconnections
services.TIMEOUTObjectSee https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_timeout
services.httpRouterfunctionThe function to run with the req/res tuple
services.logfunctionnoopA logging function

initHTTPTransaction(services) ⇒ Promise.<function()>

Instantiate the httpTransaction service

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<function()> - A promise of the httpTransaction function

servicesObjectThe services to inject
services.TIMEOUTNumber30000A number indicating how many ms the transaction should take to complete before being cancelled.
services.TRANSACTIONSObject{}A hash of every current transactions
services.timefunctionA timing function
services.delayObjectA delaying service
services.logfunctionA logging function
services.uniqueIdfunctionA function returning unique identifiers


import { initHTTPTransaction } from 'swagger-http-router';

const httpTransaction = await initHTTPTransaction({
  log: console.log.bind(console),
  time: Date.now.bind(Date),

initHTTPTransaction~httpTransaction(req, res) ⇒ Array

Create a new HTTP transaction

Kind: inner method of initHTTPTransaction
Returns: Array - The normalized request and the HTTP transaction created in an array.

reqHTTPRequestA raw NodeJS HTTP incoming message
resHTTPResponseA raw NodeJS HTTP response

flattenSwagger(API) ⇒ Object

Flatten the inputed Swagger file object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - The flattened Swagger definition

APIObjectAn Object containing a parser Swagger JSON

getSwaggerOperations(API) ⇒ Array

Return a Swagger operation in a more convenient way to iterate onto its operations

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - An array of all the Swagger operations

APIObjectThe flattened Swagger defition


.map((operation) => {
   const { path, method, operationId, parameters } = operation;

  // Do something with that operation





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