1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

swinch v1.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago


The best and most flexible alternative to full-page scroll-controlling javascript plugins

There are no runtime dependencies!!!

The build is dependent on the fantastic zenscroll plugin!


  1. npm install swinch, bower install swinch, yarn add swinch
  2. Include dist/swinch.js or swinch.min.js (uses UMD)


  1. After the DOM loads, call swinch.init([sections][, options])
  2. When you're done with it, you can call swinch.destroy()

If no sections are set, then document.querySelectorAll('section') will be used by default.


     * The duration of the snap, in milliseconds.
     * This can be overridden with the attribute "swinch-duration" on a section.
     * ex. <section swinch-duration="1000"></section>
     * @type {Number}
    duration: 500,

     * The offset of the snapping target.
     * This can be overridden with the attribute "swinch-offset" on a section.
     * ex. <section swinch-offset="100"></section>
     * @type {Number}
    offset: 0,

     * Force snap on a part of each section.
     * null     Snap to the bottom of each section if going up & top if going down.
     * 'top'    Force snap to the top of each section
     * 'bottom' Force snap to the bottom of each section
     * @type {string|null}
    snapTo: null,

     * Called before the snapping starts
     * @param  {Node}   currentSection
     * @param  {Node}   nextSection
     * @param  {Object} scrollDirection {isUp: <boolean>, isDown: <boolean>}
     * @return {void}
    onBeforeSnap: function onBeforeSnap(currentSection, nextSection, scrollDirection) {

     * Called after the snapping completes
     * @param  {Node}   currentSection
     * @param  {Node}   previousSection
     * @param  {Object} scrollDirection {isUp: <boolean>, isDown: <boolean>}
     * @return {void}
    onSnapped: function onSnapped(currentSection, previousSection, scrollDirection) {


Checkout test.html for an example.