1.1.4 • Published 8 years ago

tag-query v1.1.4

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8 years ago


tag is a small library to do advance queries on a collection of documents that are tagged with many labels.

Run a query

The libary default export is the runQuery function. It takes two arguments: query and load.

  • query is the tag query you want to run, like A and (B or not C).
  • load is a function that loads the needed data into the algorithm.

Making a query

The query language is simple, you have 3 operators: and, or and not.

You can use them to combine tags into a query. For example:

  • A and B: returns the documents that have both the tags A and B
  • A and not B: returns the documents that have the tag A but not the tag B
  • A or B: returns the documents that have the tag A and also the ones with the tag B

If you want to add many tags into one operation, you can separate the first ones with a comma:

  • A, B or C: returns the documents with the tag A and also those which have B or C

To create more complex queries, you can use parenthesis to group some operations:

  • A and (B or C): will return the documents that both have the tag A and either the tag B or C

Loading data

tag is made to run directly in memory so you'll need to feed it data directly. To do that, you'll have to implement your own load function and pass it to runQuery.

The function will receive an array of tags as first argument. You can use it to only load the list of documents for these tags only from you database.

runQuery then expect your function to return a simple object mapping all those tags to their related documents.

    A : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    B : [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

8 years ago


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8 years ago