0.1.1 • Published 12 years ago

tbwdjs v0.1.1

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Last release
12 years ago
  • tbwdjs -- TestingBotWebDriverJS

A small wrapper around camme/webdriverjs, that eases testing on [http://testingbot.com].

[https://secure.travis-ci.org/tomterl/tbwdjs.png] [http://travis-ci.org/#!/tomterl/tbwdjs]

** Installation

#+BEGIN_SRC sh $ npm install tbwdjs #+END_SRC ** Usage

The boilerplate example given by the testingbot.com node.js wizard is reduced to #+BEGIN_SRC js var webdriverjs = require('tbwdjs'); var client = webdriverjs.remote({ host: 'hub.testingbot.com', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: 9, platform: 'WINDOWS', api_key: 'YOURKEY', api_secret: 'YOUSECRET' } });



instead of the more flamboyant:

#+BEGIN_SRC js var webdriverjs = require('webdriverjs'); var assert = require('assert'); var http = require('http'); var qs = require('querystring'); var client = webdriverjs.remote({host: 'hub.testingbot.com', desiredCapabilities:{browserName: 'internet explorer', version: 9, platform: 'WINDOWS', api_key: 'YOURKEY', api_secret: 'YOURSECRET' }});

 var old = client.end;
 client._errors = [];
 client.end = function(fn) {
     old(function() {
         if (fn) { fn(); }
         var parts = __filename.split('/');
         var name = parts[parts.length - 1].replace('.js', '');
         var postData = qs.stringify({
             client_key: client.desiredCapabilities['api_key'],
             client_secret: client.desiredCapabilities['api_secret'],
             session_id: client.sessionId,
             success:  client._errors.length === 0,
             name: name,
             kind: 10
         var post_options = {
               host: 'testingbot.com',
               port: '80',
               path: '/hq',
               method: 'POST',
               headers: {
                   'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                   'Content-Length': postData.length
           // Set up the request
           var post_req = http.request(post_options, function(res) {
           // post the data
     .getTitle(function(title) { try { assert.equal(title, 'Google') } catch (e) { client._errors.push(e); } })


*** Additional commands - =windowHandle()= Protocol command that returns the handle of the current browser window. - =titleEquals(title, callback})= checks if the current windowtitle equals /title/; errors are noted and will mark the check as failed on testingbot.com. - =titleMatches(pattern, callback})= checks if the current windowtitle matches the regular expression /pattern/; errors are noted and will mark the check as failed on testingbot.com. - =cssVisible(cssSelector, visible, callback)= checks if the element identified by /cssSelector/ is visible or not according to the parameter /visible/; errors are noted and will mark the check as failed on testingbot.com. - =evaluate(code, expected, callback)= Inject the given /code/ (javascript) into the browser. The /code/ has to =return= a value; if this value matches /expected/, the check is successful - otherwise it fails; errors are noted and will mark the check as failed on testingbot.com. - =switchWindow()= Useful if you have /target="blank"/ links/forms/buttons. Successful if it can switch to another window, unsuccessful otherwise; errors are noted and will mark the check as failed on testingbot.com - =waitForVar(varname, expected, timeout, equality, callback)= Wait at least /timeout/ seconds for the variable /varname/ to (not) equal to /expected/ (depending on the equality value given). Does not affect check status. - =waitForTextIn(cssSelector, timeout, callback)= Wait at least /timeout/ seconds for the element identified by /cssSelector/ to appear and contain text. Does not affect check status. - =waitForValueIn(cssSelector, timeout, callback)= Wait at least /timeout/ seconds for the element identified by /cssSelector/ to appear and have a non empty value attribute. Does not affect check status. - =getVar(varname, callback)= Inject javascript into the browser under test to return the current value of the variable /varname/. - =setValues(valHash, callback)= Pass key/value pairs as hash to set multiple elements values in one go. Keys are css selector statements, values the values to set. /callback/ is passed a hash with the result for each css selector. Does not affect check status. - =showInfo(message)= Log an informational message formatted like the output of the test-functions. Use it for example to log command results: =client.showInfo(result.value);=.

*** testingbot.com API

Included are convenience methods to query the TestingBot API. Please have a look at this example to access the api only: #+BEGIN_SRC js var tbwdjs = require('tbwdjs'); var t = tbwdjs.api({ api_key: 'key', api_secret: 'secret'}); t.getBrowsers(function(browsers) { console.log(browsers); }); #+END_SRC

You can always access the api during tests with your client-object: #+BEGIN_SRC js var webdriverjs = require('tbwdjs'); var client = webdriverjs.remote({ host: 'hub.testingbot.com', desiredCapabilities: { browserName: 'internet explorer', version: 9, platform: 'WINDOWS' } });

client.api.getBrowsers(function(browsers) {

#+END_SRC *** Authenticate with =~/.testingbot=

You can omit the authentication data if you have your
=~/.testingbot= setup as described on [[http://testingbot.com]].

** Contribute

Every contribution is welcome. Simply fork the repository, do your stuff and issue a pull request.

Contributions should be =make jshint= and =make jslint= clean. =make jshint= will install the npm module locally if it is not present. =make jslint= depends on Google's [https://developers.google.com/closure/utilities/], =gjslint= must be in your path.

** License



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