22.25.1 • Published 2 years ago

teselagen v22.25.1

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2 years ago


$ npm install -g teselagen
$ teselagen COMMAND
running command...
$ teselagen (-v|--version|version)
teselagen/22.25.1 darwin-x64 node-v16.13.2
$ teselagen --help [COMMAND]
  $ teselagen COMMAND


teselagen autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ teselagen autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ teselagen autocomplete
  $ teselagen autocomplete bash
  $ teselagen autocomplete zsh
  $ teselagen autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

teselagen build:aa-sequences:export ID

export amino acid sequences

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:export ID

  ID  id of the sequence to export

  -f, --format=genbank|fasta  [default: genbank] export format
  -o, --output=output         destination output file path
  -q, --quiet                 Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --confirm                   confirm overwrite file
  --default                   Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab                   id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/export.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:find SEQUENCENAME

find aa sequences

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:find SEQUENCENAME

  SEQUENCENAME  sequence name or alias

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --alias              search alias fields as well as name
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table
  --sequence           include sequence in output
  --single             return only a single record or throw an error

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/find.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:get SEQUENCEID

get aa sequence

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:get SEQUENCEID

  SEQUENCEID  sequence ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table
  --sequence           include sequence in output

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/get.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:import

import amino acid sequences

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:import

  -f, --format=genbank|fasta  [default: genbank] import format
  -i, --filename=filename     path to file to import
  -q, --quiet                 Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default                   Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab                   id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/import.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:list

list amino acid sequences

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sequence                 include sequence in output
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences
  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:list

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/list.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:remove AMINOACIDID

remove AA sequences

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:remove AMINOACIDID

  AMINOACIDID  amino acid ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/remove.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:schema

get aa sequence schema

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/schema.ts

teselagen build:aa-sequences:update SEQUENCEID

update aa sequence

  $ teselagen build:aa-sequences:update SEQUENCEID

  SEQUENCEID  sequence ID

  -o, --output=output                              destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or
                                                   csv output

  -q, --quiet                                      Represses warnings, messages, or spinners

  --columns=columns                                only show provided columns (comma-seperated)

  --confirm                                        confirm overwrite file

  --csv                                            output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all

  --default                                        Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local
                                                   profile is found.

  --description=description                        set Description

  --enteredMolecularWeight=enteredMolecularWeight  set Molecular Weight (entered)

  --extendedProperties=extendedProperties          set ExtendedProps

  --json                                           output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all

  --lab=lab                                        id or name of lab to list

  --name=name                                      set Name

  --records                                        display as records instead of table

  --tags=tags                                      set Tags

  --uniprotId=uniprotId                            set Uniprot Id

See code: src/commands/build/aa-sequences/update.ts

teselagen build:aliquots:get ALIQUOTID

get aliquot

  $ teselagen build:aliquots:get ALIQUOTID

  ALIQUOTID  aliquot ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/aliquots/get.ts

teselagen build:aliquots:list

list aliquots

  $ teselagen build:aliquots:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:aliquots
  $ teselagen build:aliquots:list

See code: src/commands/build/aliquots/list.ts

teselagen build:aliquots:remove ALIQUOTID

remove Aliquots

  $ teselagen build:aliquots:remove ALIQUOTID

  ALIQUOTID  aliquot ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/aliquots/remove.ts

teselagen build:aliquots:schema

get aliquot schema

  $ teselagen build:aliquots:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/aliquots/schema.ts

teselagen build:aliquots:update ALIQUOTID

update aliquot

  $ teselagen build:aliquots:update ALIQUOTID

  ALIQUOTID  aliquot ID

  -o, --output=output                            destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv

  -q, --quiet                                    Represses warnings, messages, or spinners

  --aliquotType=aliquotType                      set Aliquot Type

  --columns=columns                              only show provided columns (comma-seperated)

  --concentration=concentration                  set Concentration

  --concentrationUnitCode=concentrationUnitCode  set undefined

  --confirm                                      confirm overwrite file

  --csv                                          output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all

  --default                                      Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile
                                                 is found.

  --json                                         output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all

  --lab=lab                                      id or name of lab to list

  --mass=mass                                    set Mass

  --massUnitCode=massUnitCode                    set undefined

  --records                                      display as records instead of table

  --tags=tags                                    set Tags

  --volume=volume                                set Volume

  --volumetricUnitCode=volumetricUnitCode        set undefined

See code: src/commands/build/aliquots/update.ts

teselagen build:cell-cultures:get CELLCULTUREID

get cell culture

  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures:get CELLCULTUREID

  CELLCULTUREID  cell culture ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/cell-cultures/get.ts

teselagen build:cell-cultures:list

list cellCultures

  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures
  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures:list

See code: src/commands/build/cell-cultures/list.ts

teselagen build:cell-cultures:remove CELLCULTUREID

remove CellCultures

  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures:remove CELLCULTUREID

  CELLCULTUREID  cell culture ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/cell-cultures/remove.ts

teselagen build:cell-cultures:schema

get cell culture schema

  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/cell-cultures/schema.ts

teselagen build:cell-cultures:update CELLCULTUREID

update cellCulture

  $ teselagen build:cell-cultures:update CELLCULTUREID

  CELLCULTUREID  cell culture ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table
  --tags=tags          set Tags

See code: src/commands/build/cell-cultures/update.ts

teselagen build:containers:get CONTAINERID

get container

  $ teselagen build:containers:get CONTAINERID

  CONTAINERID  container ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/containers/get.ts

teselagen build:containers:list

list containers

  $ teselagen build:containers:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:containers
  $ teselagen build:containers:list

See code: src/commands/build/containers/list.ts

teselagen build:containers:remove CONTAINERID

remove Containers

  $ teselagen build:containers:remove CONTAINERID

  CONTAINERID  container ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/containers/remove.ts

teselagen build:containers:schema

get container schema

  $ teselagen build:containers:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/containers/schema.ts

teselagen build:containers:update CONTAINERID

update container

  $ teselagen build:containers:update CONTAINERID

  CONTAINERID  container ID

  -o, --output=output                    destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                            Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns                      only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                              confirm overwrite file
  --containerTypeCode=containerTypeCode  set Type
  --csv                                  output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified

  --default                              Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is

  --isAttached=isAttached                set Attached

  --isPositional=isPositional            set Positional

  --json                                 output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified

  --lab=lab                              id or name of lab to list

  --label=label                          set Label

  --name=name                            set Name

  --records                              display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/containers/update.ts

teselagen build:dna-materials:get DNAMATERIALID

get dnaMaterial

  $ teselagen build:dna-materials:get DNAMATERIALID


  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/dna-materials/get.ts

teselagen build:dna-materials:list

list dna materials

  $ teselagen build:dna-materials:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

See code: src/commands/build/dna-materials/list.ts

teselagen build:dna-materials:remove DNAMATERIALID

remove DnaMaterials

  $ teselagen build:dna-materials:remove DNAMATERIALID

  DNAMATERIALID  dnamaterial ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-materials/remove.ts

teselagen build:dna-materials:schema

get dnamaterial schema

  $ teselagen build:dna-materials:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-materials/schema.ts

teselagen build:dna-materials:update DNAMATERIALID

update dnamaterial

  $ teselagen build:dna-materials:update DNAMATERIALID

  DNAMATERIALID  dnamaterial ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --name=name          set Name
  --records            display as records instead of table
  --tags=tags          set Tags

See code: src/commands/build/dna-materials/update.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:base-pairs SEQUENCEID

get dna sequence base pairs

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:base-pairs SEQUENCEID

  SEQUENCEID  sequence ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:base-pairs
  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:bps

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/base-pairs.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:export ID

export dna sequences

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:export ID

  ID  id of the sequence to export

  -f, --format=genbank|fasta  [default: genbank] export format
  -o, --output=output         destination output file path
  -q, --quiet                 Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --confirm                   confirm overwrite file
  --default                   Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab                   id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/export.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:find SEQUENCENAME

find dna sequences

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:find SEQUENCENAME

  SEQUENCENAME  sequence name or alias

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --alias              search alias fields as well as name
  --base-pairs         include base pairs in output
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table
  --single             return only a single record or throw an error

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/find.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:get SEQUENCEID

get dna sequence

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:get SEQUENCEID

  SEQUENCEID  sequence ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --base-pairs         include base pairs in output
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/get.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:import

import dna sequences

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:import

  -f, --format=genbank|fasta|csv|json  [default: genbank] import format
  -i, --filename=filename              path to file to import
  -l, --labId=labId                    lab Id
  -q, --quiet                          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  -t, --type=linear|circular           [default: circular] sequence type
  --default                            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab                            id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/import.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:list

list dna sequences

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences
  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/list.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:remove SEQUENCEID

remove dna sequences

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:remove SEQUENCEID

  SEQUENCEID  sequence ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/remove.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:schema

get dna sequence schema

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/schema.ts

teselagen build:dna-sequences:update SEQUENCEID

update dna sequence

  $ teselagen build:dna-sequences:update SEQUENCEID

  SEQUENCEID  sequence ID

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --description=description  description of the sequence to update
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --name=name                name of the sequence to update
  --records                  display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/dna-sequences/update.ts

teselagen build:equipment:get EQUIPMENTID

get container

  $ teselagen build:equipment:get EQUIPMENTID

  EQUIPMENTID  equipment ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/equipment/get.ts

teselagen build:equipment:list

list equipment

  $ teselagen build:equipment:list

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:equipment
  $ teselagen build:equipment:list

See code: src/commands/build/equipment/list.ts

teselagen build:equipment:remove EQUIPMENTID

remove equipment

  $ teselagen build:equipment:remove EQUIPMENTID

  EQUIPMENTID  equipment ID

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/equipment/remove.ts

teselagen build:equipment:schema

get equipment schema

  $ teselagen build:equipment:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/equipment/schema.ts

teselagen build:equipment:update EQUIPMENTID

update equipment

  $ teselagen build:equipment:update EQUIPMENTID

  EQUIPMENTID  Equipment Id

  -o, --output=output                    destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                            Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns                      only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                              confirm overwrite file
  --csv                                  output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified

  --default                              Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is

  --description=description              set Description

  --equipmentTypeCode=equipmentTypeCode  set Equipment Type

  --json                                 output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified

  --lab=lab                              id or name of lab to list

  --label=label                          set Label

  --make=make                            set Make

  --model=model                          set Model

  --name=name                            set Name

  --records                              display as records instead of table

  --serialNumber=serialNumber            set Serial Number

See code: src/commands/build/equipment/update.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assembledConstructs:get J5REPORTID

get j5Report:j5RunConstructs

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assembledConstructs:get J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  j5Report ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assembledConstructs/get.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assembledConstructs:list J5REPORTID

list j5Reports:assembledConstructs

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assembledConstructs:list J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  The id of the j5 Report to list assembly pieces for

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:assembledConstructs

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assembledConstructs/list.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assembledConstructs:schema

get AssemblyPiece schema

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assembledConstructs:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assembledConstructs/schema.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblies:get J5REPORTID

get j5Report:Assemblies

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblies:get J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  j5Report ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblies/get.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblies:list J5REPORTID

list j5Reports:assemblies

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblies:list J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  The id of the j5 Report to list assemblies for

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:assemblies

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblies/list.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblies:schema

get AssemblyPiece schema

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblies:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblies/schema.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyOligos:get J5REPORTID

get j5Report:assemblyOligos

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyOligos:get J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  j5Report ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblyOligos/get.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyOligos:list J5REPORTID

list j5Reports:assemblyOligos

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyOligos:list J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  The id of the j5 Report to list assembly pieces for

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file
  --count                    return only the count of rows that would be returned
  --csv                      output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default                  Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --filter=filter            filter using SQL where like expressions
  --json                     output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab                  id or name of lab to list
  --page-number=page-number  page number
  --page-size=page-size      page size (max 1000)
  --records                  display as records instead of table
  --sort=sort                columns to sort by (prepend '-' for descending) (use multiple flags for multiple columns)

  $ teselagen build:assemblyOligos

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblyOligos/list.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyOligos:schema

get AssemblyOligo schema

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyOligos:schema

  -q, --quiet  Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --default    Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --lab=lab    id or name of lab to list

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblyOligos/schema.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyPieces:get J5REPORTID

get j5Report:assemblyPieces

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyPieces:get J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  j5Report ID

  -o, --output=output  destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet          Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --columns=columns    only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm            confirm overwrite file
  --csv                output is csv format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --default            Uses the default profile. This is automatically set if no local profile is found.
  --json               output is JSON format, noninteractive, one page of data unless --all specified
  --lab=lab            id or name of lab to list
  --records            display as records instead of table

See code: src/commands/build/j5Reports/assemblyPieces/get.ts

teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyPieces:list J5REPORTID

list j5Reports:assemblyPieces

  $ teselagen build:j5Reports:assemblyPieces:list J5REPORTID

  J5REPORTID  The id of the j5 Report to list assembly pieces for

  -o, --output=output        destination output file path, only applicable for json (default) or csv output
  -q, --quiet                Represses warnings, messages, or spinners
  --all                      outputs all records instead of paginating
  --columns=columns          only show provided columns (comma-seperated)
  --confirm                  confirm overwrite file