3.0.7 • Published 6 months ago
tickley v3.0.7
tickly (formely known as tCLI) is Twitch Command Line Interface, powered by Node.js, with native implementation of fetch, which provides swiftness and simplicity.
Has all of Twitch's core functionality, as well as downloading clips and vods in a bulk.
npm i -g tickley
tickly auth
tickly [command] [...args]
tickly returns followed live streams [default]
tickly auth change account or reauth
tickly live [username] returns data about [username] stream
tickly user [username] returns data about [username]
tickly follows returns your follows
tickly following <from> <to> returns boolean if <from> follows <to>
tickly team <team> returns data about <team>
tickly member <username> returns teams which <username> is part of
tickly directory <dirname> returns streams from <dirname> directory
tickly top returns top streams
tickly clip <links|ids..> returns data about specified clips
tickly clips [username] [amount] returns clips
tickly vod <links|ids..> returns data about specified vods
tickly vods [username] [amount] returns vods
tickly about
live [username] --- [category] --- [uptime] --- [viewercount]
user [id] --- [username][partner] --- [followercount] --- [created at] --- [viewcount]
follows [#] [follow] --- [followed at] --- [followage]
following [boolean] --- [from] >>> [to] --- [followed at] --- [followage]
team [name] --- [created at] ::: [createage] >>> [updated at] ::: [updateage]
member [#] [team] --- [created at] ::: [createage] >>> [updated at] ::: [updateage]
directory [username] --- [uptime] --- [viewercount]
top [#] [username] --- [category] --- [uptime] --- [viewercount]
clip/clips [#] <<<[id]
[username] --- [category] --- [created at] --- [createage] --- [duration] --- [viewcount]
vod/vods [#] <<<[id]
[username] --- [started at] --- [startedage] --- [duration] --- [viewcount]