0.1.4 • Published 8 years ago
tinymce-emoji v0.1.4
This simple tinymce plugin adds a helper dialog to insert native emojis in to your content.
All emoji were stripped from this test doc made available by The Unicode Consortium
Install via npm:
npm install --save tinymce-emoji
Add to your tinymce init:
import 'tinymce-emoji'
import 'tinymce' // always import tinymce after any plugins
plugins: [
toolbar: 'tinymceEmoji'
Alternatively, you can install this plugin via script
<script src="path/to/tinymce-emoji/dist/plugin.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cloud.tinymce.com/stable/tinymce.min.js"></script>
plugins: [
toolbar: 'tinymceEmoji'
You can also configure a few options for tinymce-emoji by adding them to your tinymce init, like so:
plugins: [
toolbar: 'tinymceEmoji',
emoji_add_space: false, // emoji are quite wide, so a space is added automatically after each by default; this disables that extra space
emoji_show_groups: false, // hides the tabs and dsiplays all emojis on one page
emoji_show_subgroups: false, // hides the subheadings
emoji_show_tab_icons: false, // hides the icon on each tab label
NOTE: by default, all options above are set to true
A note about speed
Unfortunately, the first time you load the emoji dialog during each editor session, it takes a few seconds to display, during which time the browser window is frozen. I have been unable to resolve this issue and the world's worst docs didn't help. If you're a developer who knows how to resolve this, please do make a PR!