1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago
tokenize-vbb-station-name v1.1.0
Station names in VBB are terribly inconsistent and user's search queries are not perfect either. This module tries to compensate all the weird edge cases:
S Südkreuz Bhf (Berlin)
->sbahn suedkreuz bahnhof berlin
S Beusselstr
->sbahn beussel strasse
S+U Warschauer Str.
->sbahn ubahn warschauer strasse
Charité - Campus Benjamin Franklin (Berlin)
->charite campus benjamin franklin berlin
npm install tokenize-vbb-station-name
const tokenize = require('tokenize-vbb-station-name')
tokenize('S+U Warschauer Str.')
.join(' ') // -> 'sbahn ubahn warschauer strasse'
Called with no arguments or an invalid argument, tokenize
will return []
If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.