1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

toodoo v1.0.1

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Last release
1 year ago


  • all @TODO and @FIXME comments will be synced with trello
  • when the comment is removed from code, it's associate card will be moved to your done list
  • @username mentions will be linked to trello board menbers (feautre needs fixing)

🚀 Getting Started

1. intall toodoo in your project

npm i toodoo


yarn add toodoo

2. setup trello

you will need to create a private powerup and authorize it to access your workspace.

Please follow these stepts:

  • go to https://trello.com/power-ups/admin
  • create a new powerup, and name it toodoo
  • select your workspace
  • please ignore the ifrae connector url
  • once created, generate a new API key
  • copy your api key (you will need it later)
  • next to your API key, in the interface you will see instructions about how to generate a token manually
  • generate and copy your token

3. add your api key and token to your config

using the CLI:

Run the cli config helper, and when asked, add the key and token

toodoo setup

Once toodoo is connected to Trello, you will be asked to select a board, and 3 lists:

  • pending list: list that hold your backlog
  • in progress list: list that holds your tickets that are being worked on
  • done list: list that holds your completed tickets

At the end of the run, a config file named toodoo.config.json will be created at the root of your project.

!!! PLEASE ADD THIS TO YOUR .gitignore !!!

via .env

Add these values to your .env file or your CI's evironmental variables:


💻 Running locally

run this in your project's terminal:


this will locate all the @TODO and @FIXME comments and convert them to trello cards.

You can specify a glob expression to filter:

toodoo '{,!(node_modules)/**/}*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,css}'

you can add this to your package.json:

  scripts: {
    "toodoo": "toodoo '{,!(node_modules)/**/}*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,css}'"

☁️ Running in CI environments

toodoo can be run in CI environments such as Gitlab CI and Github Actions. As you are using your private apikey and tokens, it is adivable not to have the commitd to your git repo, so you will need to use the environmental variables for config:


⚙️ Other commands

Get config as env

toodoo config env

List all todos:

toodoo list

Interract with trello:

toodoo trello

Display Trello info:

toodoo trello info

Dev roadmap:

  • check and ask to add the config file to .gitignore if preset
  • add option to run only when a specifc git branch is active (eg: only run on development)
  • investigate if integration from trello to git bould be possible & advisable (this would cover scenarios such as: auto-removal of commit is advisable when card is moved to done list, or changing the @username mentions when a members of a card are changed in trello)
  • Add a public Trello board with examples from toodoo code
  • Add support for other PM tools


  • this was inspired by ves's work on the todo npm package, which is partially using. Thanks :) 🍺
  • the logo was generated by using DALL-E 🤯