2.0.4 • Published 5 years ago

tpt-connect v2.0.4

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Last release
5 years ago



TpT-Connect is a Redux extension which creates simple interfaces for your React components' to interact with your RESTful API.

TpT-Connect automatically fetches your components' data dependencies on componentWillMount and componentDidUpdate when relevant props are changed so you don't have to worry about when and how to fetch your data. To make your resources available across multiple components, TpT-Connect normalizes and caches your resources in its Redux state.


$ npm install --save @teachers/tpt-connect


Option 1: As a black box

import { ConnectProvider } from '@teachers/tpt-connect';

render() {
    <RootComponent />

Option 2: As a Redux plugin

Create your Redux store with the tpt-connect's reducer and middleware:

import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { connectReducer, connectMiddleware } from '@teachers/tpt-connect';

const store =
    main: rootReducer,
    connect: connectReducer
  }), optionalInitialState, applyMiddleware(connectMiddleware({ fetch: customFetchImpl })));

render() {
  <Provider store={ store }>
    <RootComponent />

And in your components throughout the app:

import { defineResources, Schema, arrayOf } from '@teachers/tpt-connect';
const userSchema = new Schema('user');

@defineResources((state, ownProps) => ({
  user: {
    schema: userSchema,
    url: `http://tpt.com/users/${ownProps.userId}`,
    actions: {
      delete: {
        method: 'DELETE'
      update: (newProps) => ({
        method: 'PATCH',
        refetchAfter: true,
        body: {
          id: ownProps.userId,
          lastName: newProps.lastName

  followers: {
    schema: arrayOf(userSchema), // allows for normalization of users to be stored in one place
    url: `http://tpt.com/users/${ownProps.userId}/followers`,
    auto: false,
    actions: {
      create: ({ firstName, lastName }) => ({
        method: 'POST',
        updateStrategy: 'append', // updates the store with the additional follower ID
        body: { firstName, lastName }
class User extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    user: PropTypes.object,
    followers: PropTypes.object

  render() {
    const { user, followers } = this.props;

    return (
        <p>NAME: { user.value.name }</p>
        <button onClick={ user.delete }}>DELETE USER</button>
        <button onClick={ followers.fetch }>LOAD FOLLOWERS</button>
          { followers.value.map((follower) =>
              <p>{ follower.name }</p>
              <button onClick={ () => followers.delete(follower.id) }>Remove Follower</button>
          ) }

export default User;

These are the options each resource definition takes:

  • auto (Boolean, optional, defaults to true when GET; otherwise false) - determines whether the request should be dispatched automatically on componentDidMount and on componentDidUpdate when the resource definition changed (ie URL is dependent on props.id and it changes after a client action).

  • schema (Schema|String, optional) - an instance of normalizr's Schema used for TpT-Connect to infer how the resource returned to be stored in the global state for future use. If a string is given, TpT-Connect will convert it to a simple normalizr Schema with the string as the key. If Schema is not provided, TpT-Connect will not attempt to normalize any of the data returned from the server.

  • url (String, required) - a complete url of the endpoint

  • params (Object, optional) - an object listing the endpoint's query params. This is the preferred method to add query params to a request. If the params are hardcoded in the URL, TpT-Connect will not be able to normalize them and store the resource for future use by other components.

  • method (String, optional, defaults to GET) - the request's method to be used.

  • headers (Object, optional, defaults to { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) - the request's headers.

  • body (Object, optional) - the request's payload.

  • extends (Object, optional) - a resource definition this definition inherits from. This is useful to centralize resource definitions to be used across multiple components.

  • clientOnly (Boolean, options, defaults to false) - will prevent resources from being fetched when rendered on the server (when isServer is set to true on ConnectProvider).

  • defaultValue (Any, optional, defaults to {} or [] depending on schema) - used to define what value should be set to on prepopulate.

  • normalize (Function, optional, defaults to normalizr's normalize) - a function used to normalize the JSON returned from the server. Useful when responses are nested within additional properties. The function has the following signature:

    normalize(Object json, Schema schema, [Object options]) : Object normalizedJson
  • updateStrategy (Boolean|String, optional, defaults to replace when GET; otherwise false) - whether or not TpT-Connect should store the response data in its Redux store. Available options are: 'replace' (same as true), 'append' (adds the returned resource to the existing resources in the state), 'prepend' (prepends resource to the existing resources in state) and 'remove' (removes the returned resources from the resources in the state), false to not store at all, and if a function is passed in it will use it as a custom merge strategy calling with function(newArray, oldArray).
    This option is useful especially when an action returns returns an updated/deleted resource and you want TpT-Connect to update its store w/out having to make additional requests.

  • computeKey (Function, optional) - a function which computes the keys stored in tpt-connect's store before hashing. The arguments are url, headers, method and body. By default tpt-connect concatenates and hashes the url, method type, body and all the headers. This function can be used to make tpt-connect not hash the headers if they change but don't affect the request.

  • actions (Object, optional) - an object defining functions, or sub-objects, which are used as sub-resource definitions to request at a later time and will be available on the TpT-Connect resource. Calling an action will execute the defined action and return the promise yielded from the dispatched request. For more information, check out the example above.

    • Action specific properties - generally actions have the same attributes declared above for resource definitions, with a few additional attributes:

      • refetchAfter (Boolean|String, optional, defaults to false) - whether or not TpT-Connect should refetch the resource after the action completes. Set to 'success' to refetch only after successful response or 'error' to only refetch after failure.
    • Built-in actions on all resources:

      • fetch - force fetch the data.
      • invalidate - marks the data as invalid in the store and therefore will not retrieve it from the state anymore.
      • prepopulate - prepopulate the store with a placeholder for the resource until it is fetched successfully. Called by default on all of TpT-Connect's resources.

Server Rendering

Thanks to TpT-Connect keeping track of its outstanding requests for resources in its store, the above example could be easily rendered on the server as well:

// By setting `isServer`, TpT-Connect knows to fetch even w/out
// `componentDidMount` which is called only on client
const tree = (
  <ConnectProvider isServer store={ myStore }>
    <RootComponent />

// Subscribing to our store so we can respond to client only when all of our
// data is ready
const unsubscribe = myStore.subscribe(() => {
  if (myStore.getState().connect.isAllFetched) {
    // trigger second render now that we have all data
    const html = ReactDOM.renderToStaticMarkup(tree);

// First render to trigger all of TpT-Connect's automatic fetches


TpT-Connect uses debug. In order to turn on more verbose logging, set the tptconnect namespace in localStorage to allow info, error, or all via *. For example, to enable all levels of logging for TpT-Connect, set:

localStorage.debug = 'tptconnect:*';

(NOTE: when running on the server, set the env var DEBUG)