2.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

trailpack-acl v2.1.0

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7 years ago


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:package: Trailpack to manage permissions (ACL) on your Trails projects


This Trailpack work only with trailpack-express as webserver

This Trailpack work only with trailpack-sequelize as ORM


With yo :

npm install -g yo generator-trails
yo trails:trailpack trailpack-acl

With npm (you will have to create config file manually) :

npm install --save trailpack-acl


First you need to add this trailpack to your main configuration :

// config/main.js

module.exports = {

   packs: [

Then permissions config :

// config/permissions.js
  defaultRole: null, //Role name to use for anonymous users
  userRoleFieldName: 'roles', // Name of the association field for Role under User model
  modelsAsResources: true, // Set all your models as resources automatically when initialize the database
  //Initial data added when DB is empty
  fixtures: {
    roles: [],
    resources: [],
    permissions: []

You also need to have a User model like:

const Model = require('trails-model')
const ModelPassport = require('trailpack-passport/api/models/User') // If you use trailpack-pasport
const ModelPermissions = require('trailpack-acl/api/models/User')
class User extends Model {
  static config(app, Sequelize) {
    return {
      options: {
        classMethods: {
          associate: (models) => {
            // Apply passport specific stuff
            ModelPassport.config(app, Sequelize).options.classMethods.associate(models) 
            // Apply permission specific stuff
            ModelPermissions.config(app, Sequelize).options.classMethods.associate(models)
            // Apply your specific stuff
  static schema(app, Sequelize) {
    return {your stuff}


Manage roles

Use the native sequelize model under this.app.orm.Roles, if you need initial roles just add them on permissions config file under fixtures.roles.

Manage resources

Use the native sequelize model under this.app.orm.Resources, if you need initial resources just add them on permissions config file under fixtures.resources.

Manage model permissions

Static declaration under config

fixtures: {
    roles: [{
      name: 'roleName',
      publicName: 'Role name'
    resources: [{
      type: 'model',
      name: 'modelName',
      publicName: 'Model name'
    permissions: [{
       roleName: 'roleName',
       resourceName: 'modelName',
       action: 'create'
     }, {
       roleName: 'roleName',
       resourceName: 'modelName',
       action: 'update'
     }, {
       roleName: 'roleName',
       resourceName: 'modelName',
       action: 'destroy'
     }, {
       roleName: 'roleName',
       resourceName: 'modelName',
       action: 'access'

Owner permissions

This trailpack can manage owner permissions on model instance, to do this you need to declare your permissions like this :

  roleName: 'roleName',
  relation: 'owner',
  resourceName: 'modelName',
  action: 'create'

You can create this permisions with sequelize model, with fixtures options or with PermissionService like this :

this.app.services.PermissionService.grant('roleName', 'modelName', 'create', 'owner').then(perm => () => {})
.catch(err => this.app.log.error(err))

Then you need to have declare a relation with User table and an alias called 'owners' We offer a util method for quickly creating an n:m relation between user and items. Is accessible from PermissionService.setOwning([this_model],[all_models])

module.exports = class Item extends Model {
  static config(app, Sequelize) {
    return {
      options: {
        classMethods: {
          associate: (models) => {
            // OR create manually a relation
            models.Item.belongsToMany(models.User, {
              as: 'owners',
              through: 'UserItem' //If many to many is needed

If the model is under a trailpack and you don't have access to it you can add a model with same name on your project, let do this for the model User witch is already in trailpack-permissions and trailpack-passport:

const ModelPassport = require('trailpack-passport/api/models/User')
const ModelPermissions = require('../api/models/User')
const Model = require('trails-model')
module.exports = class User extends Model {
  static config(app, Sequelize) {
    return {
      options: {
        classMethods: {
          associate: (models) => {
            ModelPassport.config(app, Sequelize).options.classMethods.associate(models)
            ModelPermissions.config(app, Sequelize).options.classMethods.associate(models)
            models.User.belongsToMany(models.Item, {
              as: 'items',
              through: 'UserItem'
  static schema(app, Sequelize) {
      const UserTrailpackSchema = ModelPassport.schema(app, Sequelize)
      let schema = {
        //All your attributes here
      return _.defaults(UserTrailpackSchema, schema)//merge passport attributs with your

Like this you can add owners permissions on all models you want.

WARNING ! Currently owner permissions are not supported for update destroy actions on multiple items (with no ID)

Dynamically with PermissionService

// Grant a permission to create 'modelName' to 'roleName'
this.app.services.PermissionService.grant('roleName', 'modelName', 'create').then(perm => () => {})
.catch(err => this.app.log.error(err))

// Revoke a permission to create 'modelName' to 'roleName'
this.app.services.PermissionService.revoke('roleName', 'modelName', 'create').then(perm => () => {})
.catch(err => this.app.log.error(err))

Manage route permissions

Route permissions can be added directly under route definition :

  method: 'GET',
  path: '/api/myroute',
  handler: 'DefaultController.myroute',
  config: {
    app: {
      permissions: {
        resourceName: 'myrouteId',
        roles: ['roleName']

When the DB is empty all routes permissions will be created, if you make any change after this you'll have to update permissions yourself, they are only create in DB when it's empty.

You can always use PermissionService anytime you want to grant or revoke routes permissions.


You have 2 policies to manage permissions, they return a 403 when user is not allowed :


This one will check your route permissions, if they're no permissions than the route is accessible. The easy way to setup is :

'*': [ 'CheckPermissions.checkRoute' ]
ViewController: [ 'CheckPermissions.checkRoute' ] 


This one will check your model permissions, if there no permissions models are not accessible

FootprintController: [ 'CheckPermissions.checkModel' ] // To check permissions on models



Support on Beerpay

Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of :beers:!

Beerpay Beerpay


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