0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago
triangles-mesh-random-pts v0.0.2
generate random points and normals evenly distributed on a triangle mesh.
you can use this tool to generate random points on a surface and/or to create "hairs" on a surface.
each result has format {pt: [x,y,z], normal: [x,y,z], normalLine: [[x,y,z],[x,y,z]], triangleIndex: int}
triangles are chosen randomly weighted by area, then points are generated using triangle-random-pts
resulting normals are interpolated via vertex normals + barycentric coordinates.
npm i triangles-mesh-random-pts
var meshRndPts = require('triangles-mesh-random-pts');
//here we generate 5000 random points on the surface of the stanford bunny mesh
//each result has format {pt: [x,y,z], normal: [x,y,z], normalLine: [[x,y,z],[x,y,z]], triangleIndex: int}
var bunny = require("bunny");
var results = meshRndPts.randomPtsNormalsForMeshIndexed(bunny,5000);
//meshRndPts.randomPtsNormalsForMesh(tris, numberPts) is similar but takes a list of triangles and indexes them automatically
//where each triangle = [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
//view the result with ascii-raytracer
var art = require('ascii-raytracer');
var config = {
thickness:0.05, //line rendering thickness
lines: results.map(r=>r.normalLine),
lineColors: results.map(r=>[Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random()]),
resolution: 64,
aspectRatio: 1.0,
cameraPos: [-6.63,11.11,16.56],
cameraRot: [1.93,-7.47]
^500 random bunny hairs
^5,000 random bunny hairs
^50,000 random bunny hairs