1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

use-rng-emoji v1.0.2

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Last release
5 years ago


React Hook and wrapper Component that generates a random Emoji

Why ?

Well, uh...React Hooks for the win ! Am I rite ?
This Package exists so that I can study React Hooks, the Hydra pattern and how to publish React Components on NPM.

How do I use it ?

Although it would be more appropriate to ask Why I'm using it, following there is a brief example on how to use the Hook:

import { useRandomEmoji } from 'use-rng-emoji';

function SomeSFC(props) {

    const { randomEmoji } = useRandomEmoji();

    return (




Did you know that you can pass to the Hook your very own Math.random-compatible function ? Look at that flexibility !
With Math.random-compatible function I mean a function that somehow returns a number in the range [0, 1) just like Math.random.

import { useRandomEmoji } from 'use-rng-emoji';

//Pretty weak Math.random-compatible function
function myRandomFunction() {

    return 0.5;


function SomeSFC(props) {

    const { randomEmoji } = useRandomEmoji(myRandomFunction);

    return (




This Package follows the Hydra pattern by exposing the Hook itself and a Container Component with a render prop. called... render
You can use the Component like so:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import RandomEmoji from 'use-rng-emoji';

function SomeSFC( { randomEmoji } ) {

    return (





    <RandomEmoji render={SomeSFC} />,


React Hooks are available only on the next version of React and are still an Alpha feature and probably unstable.
This Package uses the powerful render-props package which depends on a more stable release of React, so you might see some Warnings when installing.
There are no tests ! This Package is literally a playground, do not expect much real-world effort !


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago