verus_bridgekeeper v1.0.3
Verus Bridge
Alan is a node js application passing transactions between Verus and Ethereum blockchains.
To install Alan complete the following steps:
In veth.conf set: privatekey to the address of an ethereum wallet on the rinkeby chain with sufficient funds, to provide gas for calls to the rinkeby blockchain. ethNode to a websocket address for an Ethereum node on Rinkeby.
copy veth.conf to (platform dependant):
Apple: /Library/Application Support/Verustest/pbaas/veth/veth.conf Linux: ~/.verustest/pbaas/veth/veth.conf Windows: %appdata%/Verustest/pbaas/veth/veth.conf
Once set run the following commands:
npm install
Then after the installation run the following from here on
node httpserver.js
This will result in the service running on port 8000 it can be queried using the following examples: curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltext","method":"getinfo","params":[]}' -H 'content-type:text/plain;'
curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltext","method":"getcurrency","params":"iCtawpxUiCc2sEupt7Z4u8SDAncGZpgSKm"}' -H 'content-type:text/plain;'