1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

visreg-config-files v1.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago

The steps in this readme can be followed to setup visual regression testing on a new project. They only need to be followed once per-project.

This file should not be included in the repo.

Install Java command line tools

Install the latest Java JDK (not JRE)

Require all the things

npm install --save-dev webdriverio chai node-notifier wdio-mocha-framework wdio-browserstack-service wdio-visual-regression-service

Add the test scripts to package.json

Details in the included package.json

Update the .gitignore

The only screenshots we want to commit to the repo are the baselines, so we need to ignore the others.

Details in the included .gitignore

Copy config files

Copy all of the included config files (and optionally the associated markdown files) to your repo. These should retain their folder structure and look like this when you're done:

│    wdio.conf.js
│    wdio.conf.md
│    wdio.conf.quick.js
│    wdio.conf.quick.md
└──- tests
│    │    example-tests.md
│    │
│    └──- config
│         │    globalHides.js
│         │    globalHides.md
│         │    viewports.js
│         │    viewports.md

Update the WebdriverIO config file

Defining new browsers/OSs

There's a configuration tool at https://www.browserstack.com/automate/capabilities

Select the OS and browser of choice and enter the information into the "capabilities" array of the appropriate wdio.conf file.

Note: When entering browser info, if you omit the browser version, the latest stable release will be used. Typically, this is the best option, unless you need to support previous browser versions. IE9 or IE10, for example.