1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
vue-image-crop-upload-jhprogram v1.0.0
A beautiful vue component for image crop and upload. (vue图片剪裁上传组件).
Notice: This component is designed for pc, not recommended for use on the mobile side.(该组件适用于pc端,不推荐手机端使用)
Change log
- added http method prop (thanks @sarco3t)
- Added the src-file-set event, emit event when file is selected (thanks @choruru)
- Added the Swedish language pack (thanks @hekin1)
- Added the Myanmar language pack (thanks @tintnaingwinn)
- Added the Thai language pack (thanks @godxavia)
- Added the Uygur language pack (thanks @oyghan)
- If the exported picture is in jpg format, the background is white by default, and you can customize it with the "imgBgc" attribute. If it is png, the default transparent color
- Optimized image rotation
- Added the Italian language pack (thanks @phaberest)
- Added the Arabic language pack (thanks @barakat-turki)
- Added the Ukrainian language pack (thanks @dvomaks)
- Added the Japanese language pack (thanks @KangYoosam)
- Added the German language pack (thanks @attx)
- Added the Chinese Traditional language pack (thanks @s950329)
- Strengthen the function of image rotation and does not display square preview picture
- Added the spanish MX language pack (thanks @vickvasquez)
- Added the Turkish language pack (thanks @smhayhan)
- Added the Dutch language pack (thanks @blyleven)
- If url prop is empty, the picture will not be uploaded
- Adjust the import mode for different versions of vue, The default vue version is vue2
- Added the French language pack (thanks @valerymelou)
- Added the Portuguese (Brazil) language pack (thanks @abensur)
- Added the Romanian language pack (thanks @doriandrn)
- Added the Russian language pack (thanks @bigperson)
- Added a new Props: "headers" (Used to set the POST request header)
- Compatible vue2
- Adjusted Props naming: "otherParams"=>"params", "langConf"=>“langExt”
- Optimized language packs
Brower compatibility
vue@1/vue@2 + webpack + es6
$ npm install vue-image-crop-upload
Name | Type | Default | Description |
url | String | '' | Server api path,like "/avatar/upload", If empty, will not be uploaded |
method | String | 'POST' | request http method |
field | String | 'upload' | Upload input filename, used for server side get the file stream. |
value | Boolean | twoWay | show or not |
params | Object | null | POST Params,like "{k:v}" |
headers | Object | null | POST request header,like "{k:v}" |
langType | String | 'zh' | language type |
langExt | Object | language extend | |
width | Number | 200 | width of receive image |
height | Number | 200 | height of receive image |
imgFormat | string | 'png' | jpg/png, Server api receive file type. |
imgBgc | string | '#fff' | background color, if the imgFormat prop is jpg |
noCircle | Boolean | false | disable circle preview |
noSquare | Boolean | false | disable square preview |
noRotate | Boolean | true | disable rotate function |
withCredentials | Boolean | false | support cross-domain |
Name | Description |
srcFileSet | Once you've selected the file, params( fileName, fileType, fileSize ) |
cropSuccess | image crop success, params( imageDataUrl, field ) |
cropUploadSuccess | upload success, params( jsonData, field ) |
cropUploadFail | upload fail, params( status, field ) |
Language package
Support language | Shorthand | Contributors |
中文(default) | zh | dai-siki |
繁体中文 | zh-tw | s950329 |
English | en | dai-siki / doriandrn |
Russian | ru | bigperson |
Romanian | ro | doriandrn |
Portuguese (Brazil) | pt-br | abensur |
French | fr | valerymelou |
Dutch | nl | blyleven |
Turkish | tr | smhayhan |
spanish MX | es-MX | vickvasquez |
German | de | attx |
Japanese | ja | KangYoosam |
Italian | it | phaberest |
Arabic | ar | barakat-turki |
ukrainian | ua | dvomaks |
Uyghur | ug | oyghan |
Thai | th | godxavia |
Myanmar | mm | tintnaingwinn |
Swedish | se | hekin1 |
// example
en: {
hint: 'Click or drag the file here to upload',
loading: 'Uploading…',
noSupported: 'Browser is not supported, please use IE10+ or other browsers',
success: 'Upload success',
fail: 'Upload failed',
preview: 'Preview',
btn: {
off: 'Cancel',
close: 'Close',
back: 'Back',
save: 'Save'
error: {
onlyImg: 'Image only',
outOfSize: 'Image exceeds size limit: ',
lowestPx: 'Image\'s size is too low. Expected at least: '
Example vue@2
<div id="app">
<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">set avatar</a>
<my-upload field="img"
<img :src="imgDataUrl">
import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
import Vue from 'vue';
import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload';
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
show: true,
params: {
token: '123456798',
name: 'avatar'
headers: {
smail: '*_~'
imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
components: {
'my-upload': myUpload
methods: {
toggleShow() {
this.show = !this.show;
* crop success
* [param] imgDataUrl
* [param] field
cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
console.log('-------- crop success --------');
this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
* upload success
* [param] jsonData server api return data, already json encode
* [param] field
cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
console.log('-------- upload success --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
* upload fail
* [param] status server api return error status, like 500
* [param] field
cropUploadFail(status, field){
console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
Example vue@1
<div id="app">
<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">set avatar</a>
<my-upload field="img"
<img :src="imgDataUrl">
import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
import Vue from 'vue';
import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload/upload-1.vue';
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
show: true,
params: {
token: '123456798',
name: 'avatar'
headers: {
smail: '*_~'
imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
components: {
'my-upload': myUpload
methods: {
toggleShow() {
this.show = !this.show;
events: {
* crop success
* [param] imgDataUrl
* [param] field
cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
console.log('-------- crop success --------');
this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
* upload success
* [param] jsonData server api return data, already json encode
* [param] field
cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
console.log('-------- upload success --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
* upload fail
* [param] status server api return error status, like 500
* [param] field
cropUploadFail(status, field){
console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
- 增加了“src-file-set”回调事件,在用户选择文件之后触发。
- 如果导出图片格式为jpg,则背景默认白色,你也可以通过新增的“imgBgc”属性自定义。如果导出格式为png,则默认透明
- 优化了旋转效果
- 增加了图片旋转和不显示方形预览图片的功能
- 默认支持版本改为vue2,vue1的同学需要引入upload-1.vue
- 添加了新属性: "headers" (用于设置请求头部:setRequestHeader)
- 兼容vue@2版本
- 调整了Props命名: "otherParams"=>"params", "langConf"=>"langExt"
vue@2(或vue@1) + webpack + es6
$ npm install vue-image-crop-upload
名称 | 类型 | 默认 | 说明 |
url | String | '' | 上传接口地址,如果为空,图片不会上传 |
method | String | 'POST' | 上传方法 |
field | String | 'upload' | 向服务器上传的文件名 |
value | Boolean | twoWay | 是否显示控件,双向绑定 |
params | Object | null | 上传附带其他数据,格式"{k:v}" |
headers | Object | null | 上传header设置,格式"{k:v}" |
langType | String | 'zh' | 语言类型,默认中文 |
langExt | Object | 语言包自行扩展 | |
width | Number | 200 | 最终得到的图片宽度 |
height | Number | 200 | 最终得到的图片高度 |
imgFormat | string | 'png' | jpg/png, 最终得到的图片格式 |
imgBgc | string | '#fff' | 导出图片背景色,当imgFormat属性为jpg时生效 |
noCircle | Boolean | false | 关闭 圆形图像预览 |
noSquare | Boolean | false | 关闭 方形图像预览 |
noRotate | Boolean | true | 关闭 旋转图像功能 |
withCredentials | Boolean | false | 支持跨域 |
名称 | 说明 |
srcFileSet | 用户选取文件之后, 参数( fileName, fileType, fileSize ) |
cropSuccess | 图片截取完成事件(上传前), 参数( imageDataUrl, field ) |
cropUploadSuccess | 上传成功, 参数( jsonData, field ) |
cropUploadFail | 上传失败, 参数( status, field ) |
zh: {
hint: '点击,或拖动图片至此处',
loading: '正在上传……',
noSupported: '浏览器不支持该功能,请使用IE10以上或其他现在浏览器!',
success: '上传成功',
fail: '图片上传失败',
preview: '头像预览',
btn: {
off: '取消',
close: '关闭',
back: '上一步',
save: '保存'
error: {
onlyImg: '仅限图片格式',
outOfSize: '单文件大小不能超过 ',
lowestPx: '图片最低像素为(宽*高):'
使用示例 vue@1
<div id="app">
<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">设置头像</a>
<my-upload field="img"
<img :src="imgDataUrl">
import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
import Vue from 'vue';
import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload/upload-1.vue';
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
show: true,
params: {
token: '123456798',
name: 'avatar'
headers: {
smail: '*_~'
imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
components: {
'my-upload': myUpload
methods: {
toggleShow() {
this.show = !this.show;
events: {
* crop success
* [param] imgDataUrl
* [param] field
cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
console.log('-------- crop success --------');
this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
* upload success
* [param] jsonData 服务器返回数据,已进行json转码
* [param] field
cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
console.log('-------- upload success --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
* upload fail
* [param] status server api return error status, like 500
* [param] field
cropUploadFail(status, field){
console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
使用示例 vue@2
<div id="app">
<a class="btn" @click="toggleShow">设置头像</a>
<my-upload field="img"
<img :src="imgDataUrl">
import 'babel-polyfill'; // es6 shim
import Vue from 'vue';
import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload';
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
show: true,
params: {
token: '123456798',
name: 'avatar'
headers: {
smail: '*_~'
imgDataUrl: '' // the datebase64 url of created image
components: {
'my-upload': myUpload
methods: {
toggleShow() {
this.show = !this.show;
* crop success
* [param] imgDataUrl
* [param] field
cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field){
console.log('-------- crop success --------');
this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
* upload success
* [param] jsonData 服务器返回数据,已进行json转码
* [param] field
cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field){
console.log('-------- upload success --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);
* upload fail
* [param] status server api return error status, like 500
* [param] field
cropUploadFail(status, field){
console.log('-------- upload fail --------');
console.log('field: ' + field);