1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

vue-test-utils-plugin-find-by-props v1.0.0

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2 years ago


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Plugin for @vue/test-utils to find components by its props.

Usage Case

This small plugin extends the Vue Wrapper with following tho methods:

  • findAllComponentsByProps()
  • findComponentByProps()

Therefore, it's possible to find components with specific props.


  1. Install this plugin via e.g. npm install vue-test-utils-plugin-find-by-props --save-dev
  2. Add the following file to your test setup file - e.g.: jest.setup.ts

    import { config } from '@vue/test-utils';
    import { FindByPropsPlugin } from 'vue-test-utils-plugin-find-by-props';
  3. (Only required for TypeScript)Create a vue-test-utils.d.ts file with the following content:

    import { FindComponentSelector } from '@vue/test-utils/dist/types';
    type Props = { [key: string]: any };
    declare module '@vue/test-utils' {
      export class VueWrapper {
        findAllComponentsByProps(selector: FindComponentSelector, props: Props): VueWrapper[];
        findComponentByProps(selector: FindComponentSelector, props: Props): VueWrapper;


Now you're able to use these methods in tests. Fore Example if you have a custom component MyButton and using a Modal with a Save and Cancle button like this:

<div class="modal">
  Do you want to Save?
  <MyButton title="Save" />
  <MyButton title="Cancel" />

You are now able to easily access the correct button:

const cancelButton = wrapper.findComponentByProps(MyButton, {title: 'Cancel'})

There is no need for an extra class or attributes like data-testid to access the component.