0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

webfont-crusher v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Get just the glyphs your site needs from a font.

You probably don't want to use this right now

The landscape of developer tooling has changed quite a lot since I first wrote this in 2016. For example, there are features here supporting things I don't even use anymore (SCSS). I also find the code a bit not idiomatic JS after being in Node.js land for another two years.

The best way to consume Font Awesome (which I singled out below as needing crushing) now is by using its React library which is completely tree-shakeable thanks to exporting just the SVG path data:

import * as React from 'react';
import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server';
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import { faGithub } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons';

const ListItem = styled.li`
  &:before {
    content: url(data:image/svg+xml,${encodeURIComponent(
      renderToString(<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGithub} />)

Note that renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup can be used in both server and browser environments.

While I still think this is a cool idea, I don't have a lot of motivation to work on it at the moment. I'll continue to do update dependencies due to the couple of projects that use this but in the meantime, you would probably be better served by something like fontmin.

If you're interested despite that, read on.

Example use case:

You have: a TTF, OTF, SVG, WOFF or WOFF2 font.

You want: a tiny subset of the glyphs in some or all of those formats.

For example, Font Awesome is awesome, but it's also huge:

$ du -h ./*
108K FontAwesome.otf
72K  fontawesome-webfont.eot
360K fontawesome-webfont.svg
140K fontawesome-webfont.ttf
84K  fontawesome-webfont.woff
68K  fontawesome-webfont.woff2

That's a big download if you just want one or two glyphs.

All you need to know is the unicode codepoints of the glyphs you want to keep, everything else will be discarded.

There are a bunch of web services that can do this for you, but I wanted something more programmatic.

Strictly speaking, you don't have to do any crushing. If you leave config.glyphs undefined only conversions will take place.


You probably want the Grunt plugin. Otherwise there's a rudimentary command line interface. Check out ./bin/cli.js.

If you didn't install with -g you can run webfont-crusher from your node_modules directory (./node_modules/.bin/webfont-crusher).

Just convert

$ webfont-crusher -i ./node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf -o ./

Convert to some specific formats

$ webfont-crusher -i ./node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf \
  -o ./ \
  -f woff -f woff2

Convert to a specific format and crush

$ webfont-crusher -i ./node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf \
  -o ./ \
  -g 0xf2ae -g 61459 \
  -f woff2

$ webfont-crusher -i /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf \
  -o ./ \
  -g '1234567890.,' \
  -f woff2

Convert to a specific format with a different name

$ webfont-crusher -i ./node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf \
  -o ./ \
  -f woff2 \
  -n font-awesome

Convert to a specific formats and get an SCSS partial you can @import

$ webfont-crusher -i /usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf \
  -o ./ \
  -f woff2 \
  -s ./_fonts.scss


  • EOT is not supported as an input format and OTF is not supported as an output format.

  • The command line interface won't let you pass just numbers right now (-g '1234567890') because it will be interpreted as a codepoint. If you really just want numerals a dodgy workaround is just to include a space so that it will be parsed as a string (-g ' 1234567890').

Special thanks

Really this is just a convenience wrapper around a bunch of other tools. If this project is cool it's because these projects exist:

API Reference


Kind: global class

new Crusher(config)

configObjectConfiguration object.
config.dataObjectTTF data in fonteditor-core format.
config.destinationstringOutput directory for generated font files.
config.glyphsArray.<Object> | undefinedAn array of strings or unicode codepoints (or both) that you want to keep in the output. Leave undefined to keep all glyphs (convert only).
config.basenamestring | undefinedName that will be given to generated font files. If undefined it will be the same as the input file.
config.formatsArray.<Object> | undefinedAn array of strings representing file formats you want to see in the output directory. If undefined all possible conversions will take place.
config.scssArray.<Object> | undefinedIf not undefined, the path to an SCSS file that will be written.
config.callbackfunction | undefinedFunction that will be executed after files have been written.


Kind: global class

new Reader(config)

configObjectConfiguration object.
config.sourcestringPath to the source font file.
config.destinationstringOutput directory for generated font files.
config.glyphsArray.<Object> | undefinedAn array of strings or unicode codepoints (or both) that you want to keep in the output. Leave undefined to keep all glyphs (convert only).
config.basenamestring | undefinedName that will be given to generated font files. If undefined it will be the same as the input file.
config.formatsArray.<Object> | undefinedAn array of strings representing file formats you want to see in the output directory. If undefined all possible conversions will take place.
config.scssArray.<Object> | undefinedIf not undefined, the path to an SCSS file that will be written.
config.callbackfunction | undefinedFunction that will be executed after files have been written.


Kind: global class

new Writer(data, config)

dataObjectTTF data in fonteditor-core format.
configObjectConfiguration object.
config.destinationstringOutput directory for generated font files.
config.glyphsArray.<Object> | undefinedAn array of strings or unicode codepoints (or both) that you want to keep in the output. Leave undefined to keep all glyphs (convert only).
config.basenamestring | undefinedName that will be given to generated font files. If undefined it will be the same as the input file.
config.formatsArray.<Object> | undefinedAn array of strings representing file formats you want to see in the output directory. If undefined all possible conversions will take place.
config.scssArray.<Object> | undefinedIf not undefined, the path to an SCSS file that will be written.
config.callbackfunction | undefinedFunction that will be executed after files have been written.

util : object

Helper functions.

Kind: global namespace

util.toArrayBuffer(buffer) ⇒ ArrayBuffer

Turn a Node Buffer into an ArrayBuffer.

Kind: static method of util


util.toNodeBuffer(arrayBuffer) ⇒ Buffer

Turn an ArrayBuffer into a Node Buffer.

Kind: static method of util


util.resolveHome(_path) ⇒ string

If a path starts with a tilde or $HOME env var, replace it with the user's home directory. This is probably not very robust but as far as I can tell Node doesn't offer a similar utility.

Kind: static method of util
Returns: string - The same path with tildes or $HOME env var resolved (if there were any).

_pathstringSome filesystem path.