0.0.4 • Published 8 months ago

website-server v0.0.4

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8 months ago

Website Server

A website server that supports serving many websites by subdomain-based routing.


Command line tool

Install it by the following command:

npm install -g website-server

The command line program is called website-server.


website-server serve

Serve a single-page-app using http with an available port (starting from 8080):

website-server serve /websites/pomodoro \
  --cors \
  --rewrite-not-found-to index.html \
  --cache-control-pattern 'assets/**: max-age=31536000'

Serve a single-page-app using https with a given port:

website-server serve /websites/readonlylink \
  --cors \
  --port 443 \
  --rewrite-not-found-to index.html \
  --cache-control-pattern 'assets/**: max-age=31536000' \
  --tls-cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/readonly.link/fullchain.pem \
  --tls-key /etc/letsencrypt/live/readonly.link/privkey.pem

Serve a single-page-app using https with a website.json config file:

website-server serve /websites/readonlylink/website.json

Where /websites/readonlylink/website.json:

  "server": {
    "port": 443,
    "tls": {
      "cert": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/readonly.link/fullchain.pem",
      "key": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/readonly.link/privkey.pem"
  "cors": true,
  "rewriteNotFoundTo": "index.html",
  "cacheControlPatterns": {
    "assets/**": "max-age=31536000"

website-server serve-many

Serve many websites in a directory, using subdomain-based routing:

  • Each website might have it's own website.json config file,
  • The server option of config file in subdirectory will be ignored.
  • the hostname option is required.
website-server serve-many /websites \
  --hostname localhost \
  --port 443 \
  --tls-cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/fidb.app/fullchain.pem \
  --tls-key /etc/letsencrypt/live/fidb.app/privkey.pem

Serve many with base website.json config file:

website-server serve-many /websites/website.json

Where /websites/website.json:

  "server": {
    "hostname": "localhost",
    "port": 443,
    "tls": {
      "cert": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/readonly.link/fullchain.pem",
      "key": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/readonly.link/privkey.pem"
    "logger": {
      "name": "pretty-line",
      "disableRequestLogging": true

The LoggerOptions used above is:

export type LoggerName = "json" | "silent" | "pretty" | "pretty-line"

export type LoggerOptions = {
  name: LoggerName
  disableRequestLogging?: boolean

The default LoggerOptions is:

  "name": "pretty-line"

On Linux, to test website-server serve-many locally, we can add subdomains to localhost by editing /etc/hosts.

For examples: readonlylink.localhost pomodoro.localhost

Using .domain-map/ with serve-many

When doing subdomain-based routing, we can also support custom domain for a subdomain, by adding adding a file .domain-map/<custom-domain>, where the file name is the custom domain, and the file content is the subdomain.

You can edit the DNS record of your custom domain, to point to the full subdomain. And update .domain-map/ on your server to support it.


npm install           # Install dependencies
npm run build         # Compile `src/` to `lib/`
npm run build:watch   # Watch the compilation
npm run format        # Format the code
npm run test          # Run test
npm run test:watch    # Watch the testing


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