0.4.1 • Published 2 years ago

windowsmessagebox v0.4.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago


Create Windows-like 🪟 message boxes 💬 for your website



<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/SkwalExe/WindowsMessageBox.js@v0.4.1/dist/windowsMessageBox.min.js"></script>

NPM module

Install the npm module

npm install windowsmessagebox

And import it in your project

const MessageBox = require('windowsmessagebox');

⚠️ You will need to bundle the package with your application (for example with browserify) because this library only works in the browser

browserify index.js -o bundle.js

Setting up

You can import the library into you website with JsDelivr or, you can use the npm module and import it in your project.

You also need to import the css file to your website

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/windowsmessagebox@0.4.1/dist/wmsgbox.min.css">

Warning 🚨

Versions below v0.3.0 contains a lot of errors and are not properly working, consider using v0.3.0 or higher, the function names are the same and you don't need to change your code.


This repo provides a simple example of usage of the library : example.html

Double click on the page to open a message box

Usage 📝

This library provides one function : windowsMessageBox.show()


This function creates a message box.

It takes 5 parameters:

It returns a promise that resolves when the user clicks on a button/closes the message box.

Example 📝

Title & Message

The title will be displayed in the top of the message box and the message will be displayed in the middle of the message box.

windowsMessageBox.show("This is my title!", "This is my message!");



The type defines the icon and the sound of the message box.

  • "info"
  • "error"
  • "warning"

Type -> info

windowsMessageBox.show("This is my title!", "This is an information message!", "info");


Type -> warning

windowsMessageBox.show("This is my title!", "This is a warning message!", "warning");


Type -> error

windowsMessageBox.show("This is my title!", "This is an error message!", "error");



This parameter defines the buttons of the message box.


let buttons = [

let clicked  = windowsMessageBox.show("This is my title!", "This is my message!", "info", buttons);

console.log(clicked); // "Yes" if the user clicked on the "Yes" button, "No" if the user clicked on the "No" button


You can also define the value returned depending on the button clicked.

If we want the button hello to return true and the button world to return false, we can do it like this:

let buttons = [
    ["hello", true],
    ["world", false]


This parameter defines the position of the message box.

It can be:

  • x, y : pop up the message box at the given position
  • "random" : pop up the message box at a random position on the page


If you have any problem, don't hesitate to open an issue


  1. Start by forking this repository

  2. Then clone your fork to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/windowsMessageBox.js.git
  3. Install dev dependencies

    npm install --save-dev
  4. Create a new branch

    git checkout -b super-cool-feature
  5. Then make your changes

  6. Update the changelog and version number if needed (using Semantic Versioning) also, update the version number in the JsDelivr links (js and css)

    # bug fix
    npm version patch --no-git-tag-version
    # add a new feature 
    npm version minor --no-git-tag-version
    # changes that break backwards compatibility
    npm version major --no-git-tag-version
  7. List and correct linting errors

    npm run lint
  8. Update the minified/browser version of the library

    npm run build
  9. Once you're done, commit your changes and push them to the remote repository.

    git add --all
    git commit -m "Add super-cool-feature"
    git push origin super-cool-feature
  10. Then, open a pull request on GitHub from your fork.

  11. Go to this link
  12. Click compare across forks
  13. On the right, on head repository select your fork
  14. And on compare select the branch you just created
  15. Click on Create Pull Request and submit your pull request