2.0.3 ā€¢ Published 1 year ago

wm-classes v2.0.3

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Last release
1 year ago


Course Scrapper šŸŸ¢šŸŸ”


This is a high-level scrapper for the course list of the College of William and Mary. It can be used to quickly retrieve all courses found here. This is not the most performant scrapper as it saves each class as an object in memory. Feel free to send a pull request with enhancements!

In addition, this scrapper requires setting a user agent with a W&M email address and sets a default rate limit of 500 milliseconds. This identifies your requests to the W&M servers and prevents mistakenly overloading the server with requests.


Documentation is generated using TypeDoc and hosted via GitHub pages. https://heaveria-ns.github.io/WM-Scraper/

Table of Contents

  1. šŸ§‘ā€šŸ« Usage
    1. šŸ‘·ā€ā™‚ļøInstallation
    2. šŸ—ļø Instantiation
    3. šŸ–„ļø Get Data from Open Course List
    4. šŸ’¾ Save Data
    5. šŸ”Ž Find Data Easily
  2. šŸ”ƒ Load .json Data
  3. šŸŖµ Logging
  4. šŸ‘ Author



In the terminal, run the following command:

npm install wm-classes

After installation of the NPM module, you can import the library:

// For TypeScript use the import syntax (reccomended):
import * as wm from 'wm-classes/scraper';

// For JavaScript use the require syntax:
const wm = require('wm-classes');


Instantiate the scrapper object to access all properties and methods.
āš ļø You must set a user-agent. It must be a valid W&M email address (email.wm.edu or wm.edu). Please be honest. This identifies you to W&M servers.

// TODO: Replace user agent string
const scraper = new wm.Scraper('abcdef@wm.edu')

Get Data from Open Course List

This library uses async/await and therefore you must wrap your code in an asynchronous function to await data.

import * as wm from 'wm-classes/scraper';
const scraper = new wm.Scraper('abcdef@wm.edu')

async function doStuff() {
    * 1. Get all terms and subjects
    * āœØ You can now skip this step with version 2!
   await scraper.getTermsAndSubjects();
   console.log(scraper.courselistData) // Object with terms and subjects

     * 2. Chose to get a specific subject
    await scraper.getCourseData('BIOL');
     * OR get all subjects (which we retrieved earlier)
    await scraper.getCourseData();

     * 3. You can now view the results.
     * Each class is saved as an object.

// Remember to call your function!

Save data

There are two built-in methods for easily saving collected data to a CSV or JSON file. Here's how to do both:

// Save to CSV file
await scraper.saveToCsv('courses'); // Saves courses.csv to current working directory.
// Save to JSON file
await scraper.saveToJson('courses'); // Saves courses.json to current working directory.

Find Data Easily

šŸ“– Documentation
The following functions are provided to filter, map, and return (a) result(s).
ā—āš ļø If you already have .json file with course data from this library, please load that data into the scraper instead of hitting W&M's servers repeatedly.

ScraperfindClassByCrn()Find an individual class by CRN.String
ScraperfindClassByCourseID()Find an individual class by course ID.String
ScraperfindClassesByAttribute()Find all classes with a specific attribute. Future support for passing in arrays of attributes.String[]
ScraperfindClassesByInstructor()Find all classes with a specific instructor.String[]
ScraperfindClassesByCredits()Find all classes with a specific number of credits.String[]
ScraperfindClassesByTimes()Find all classes at a specific time.String[]
ScraperfindClassesByProjectedEnrollment()Find all classes with a specific projected enrollment. Future support for getting all classes which are >0.String[]
ScraperfindClassesByCurrentEnrollment()Find all classes by their current enrollment. Future support for getting all classes which are >0.String[]
ScraperfindClassesBySeatsAvailable()Find all classes by the specific number of seats available. Future support for getting all classes which are >0.String[]
ScraperfindClassesByStatus()Find all classes by their status. Status must be OPEN or CLOSED. Future support for passing in booleans.String[]

Load .json Course Data

If you have saved course data previously to a .json file using .saveToJson(''), you can re-insert it into the Scraper instead of hitting the W&M Open Course List repeatedly. Please use this as often as you can.

// Use the filepath for the argument.
await scraper.loadFromJson('./courses.json');


This library uses Winston for logging. It is on by default but can be turned off.

scraper.logging = false; // Turn off logging
scraper.logging = true; // Turn on logging


Jason LaPierre (jalapierre@wm.edu)
Biology '25

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions! šŸ‘šŸ‘