0.9.1 • Published 9 years ago

xyz-affair v0.9.1

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9 years ago

The XYZ Affair

Generates a list of x/y/z Spherical Mercator tiles based on a bounding box and a zoom level.


npm install xyz-affair


    var xyz = require("xyz-affair");

    var bounds = [
        -74.00596618652344, //minimum longitude (west)
        40.64417760251725, //minimum latitude (south)
        -73.90502929687499, //maximum longitude (east)
        40.797957124643666 //maximum latitude (north)

    var zoom = 13; //probably between 1-19 for a typical webmap

    var tiles = xyz(bounds,zoom);
      Returns an array of x/y/z objects, like:
          "x": 2411,
          "y": 3077,
          "z": 13
          "x": 2411,
          "y": 3078,
          "z": 13

Those x/y/z coordinates can be used with standard map tile systems and URLs.

You can also supply an optional third argument to get back a list that covers multiple zoom levels:

//You'll get back tiles for zooms 13 through 18. This will be a very long list.

var tiles = xyz(bounds,13,18);


Made by Noah Veltman but Vladimir Agafonkin and other Leaflet contributors did most of the work. This just reworks certain math functions in Leaflet to be used headlessly for this purpose.