0.2.3 • Published 1 year ago

yatt-pipe v0.2.3

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Last release
1 year ago


A tool for moving testing/quality data.



yatt-pipe exists to make it easy to move quality data to wherever you need it. Whether you are looking to report test results to your various quality systems or trying to migrate historical databetween test case management tools, yatt-pipe provides a simple, easily extendable interface for doing so.

Since it's written in NodeJS, yatt-pipe can be utilized as either a JS module (link to NPM) or CLI tool (link to packages). Likewise, it has been conveniently packaged into a Docker container, GitHub Action, CircleCI Orb, etc.

Consider the following use-cases and examples:

  • Reporting test results to Zephyr and YATT for test access and improved reporting. (See examples on our GitHub.)
  • Migrating data between TestRail and XRay to change TCM providers. yatt-pipe can be used to keep data in sync during and after test runs and migrate historical data from the original system.
  • Programmatically uploading testing evidence and attachments to your TCM. This is what YATTIE does.


Integrations are easy to create and customize with just a configuration file. Simply review the configs/sample_config.json file and default integrations to understand how to create your own.

By default, yatt-pipe currently supports: | | Data Sources | Data Targets | |-------------|:------------:|:------------:| | JIRA | X | X | | JUnit Files | X | | | TestRail | X | X | | YATT | X | X |

For more info on how these work, see Sources and Targets.

CLI Flags

-c, --credentials required: false description: Path to credentials file for API connections. Credentials can also be passed via ENV variables (see Authentication).

-I, --ignore required: false description: Path to a config file specifying data on records to ignore (see Ignoring Records).

-o, --overrides required: false description: JSON data to add onto the source data when exporting to the target (see Data Overrides).

-s, --source required: Either source or target is required. description: Integration to pull data from.

-t, --target required: Either source or target is required. description: Integration to push data to.

-d, --data-types required: false description: Data type keys to use from source config. By default, data is pulled from all endpoints specified in the configuration. This list can be lmited with the --data-types parameter.

--offset required: false description: Paging offset value.

--limit required: false description: Paging limit value.

--count required: false description: Maximum record count to return.

--no-git required: false description: (CLI only) Don't include git repo information when reporting data.

-v, --verbose



Download & Installation

As a NodeJS package

$ npm i yatt-pipe

As a CLI tool

Releases and packages on GitHub.

  1. Download the release appropriate for your OS/Architecture
  2. Install it or save it on your system path
  3. Call yatt-pipe --help from the terminal

Usage on the CLI

node index.js -c creds.json -s testrail -t yatt -o '{"cases":{"service":"microservice-1"}}' node index.js -c creds.json -s junit:./results.xml -t yatt -o '{"cases":{"service":"microservice-1"}}'

This will pull all (up to configured limits) data from a TestRail instance and push it into YATT.

The creds.json should look something like this:

  "testrail": {
    "source": {
      "base64Credentials": "eW91cmVtYWlsQGVtYWlsLmNvbTp5b3VycGFzc3dvcmQK",
      "base_url": "https://YourTestrailAccont.testrail.com/"
  "yatt": {
    "target": {
      "base_url": "http://localhost:5000/"

But replace the base64Credentials key with your email address, followed by a ":", followed by your TestRail password and then the whole string should be base64 encoded. Ex: echo -n "myemail@email.com:mypassword" | base64 -w0 (Don't forget the '-n' to remove the default new line added by 'echo'.)

Then replace the YATT token with a valid YATT token for your YATT user.

Alternatively, you can supply credentials via ENV variables in the format:

${INTEGRATION NAME}_${DIRECTION}_CREDENTIALS <= Containing JSON with all credential info



Usage as a NodeJS Package

const { pushData, pullData } = require("yatt-pipe");

const config = {
  "credentials": "./creds.json",
  "source": "testrail",
  "target": "testrail",

const pushableData = {
  "projects": [{
    "target_id": 1,
    "name": "API Proj",
    "announcement": "Test announcement!"

const pullableData = {
  "cases": [{
    "id": 1,
    "id": 2,

async function sendDataToTestRail(config, data) {
  try {
    const response = await pushData(config, data);
  } catch (error) {

async function getDataFromTestRail(config, data) {
  try {
    const response = await pullData(config, data);
  } catch (error) {

sendDataToTestRail(config, pushableData);
getDataFromTestRail(config, pullableData);

Ignoring Data

Source data can be selectively ignored by yatt-pipe based off of data type and a provied JavaScript regex. (I recommend using something like Regexr if you need to hone your regex for usage here.)

For example, if you want to ignore all "projects" with "Example" or "example" in their name, you could pass the following ignore JSON:

  "projects": {
    "name": [ "[Ee]xample" ]

Data Overrides

In addition to directly transferring data between the source and target, you can override or inject new data into the output with the override option and -o flag.

This data is injected directly into the data after all translations are completed - overwriting any duplicate keys that already exist and adding new keys when they don't exist.

For example - say your source data has some test "runs" that look like this:

  runs: [
      "id": 1,
      "started_at": "2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
      "ended_at": "2019-10-12T07:25:32.52Z
      "id": 2,
      "started_at": "2019-10-12T07:30:50.52Z",
      "ended_at": "2019-10-12T07:35:32.52Z

If you want to inject the name of the instance that ran the jobs - say it's named "jenkins-runner-1".

You could provide the following override to accomplish this:


The following data would then be sent to your target:

  runs: [
      "id": 1,
      "started_at": "2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
      "ended_at": "2019-10-12T07:25:32.52Z
      "id": 2,
      "started_at": "2019-10-12T07:30:50.52Z",
      "ended_at": "2019-10-12T07:35:32.52Z

Sources and Targets


The primary configuration options when using yatt-pipe are the data sources (where the data is coming from - passed with the -s flag or in the source field) and data targets (where the data is going to passed with the -t flag or in the target field).

Default integrations can be used simply by referencing their name (e.g -s testrail) and custom integrations can be used by passing the relative path to their configuration file (e.g. -s ./my-integration.json).

Multiple sources and/or targets can be passed as a comma-delimited list.

File-type integrations such as JUnit results files must called with the format: ${type}:${relative_file_path} (e.g. -s junit:./test-results.xml).


Authentication methods are specific to the various sources and targets you use. Further information can be found in the "Configuring" section of the integrations you are using.

Configuring Credentials

Regardless of which type of authentication your integrations use, the credentials are always passed to yatt-pipe in one of two ways:

  • Your credentials JSON can be stored in a configuration file, the path of which is passed to yatt-pipe via the -c option. (e.g. -c ./my-creds.json).
  • Credential JSON can be stored in environment variables with the naming convention: ${INTEGRATION_NAME}_{INTEGRATION_DIRECTION}_CREDENTIALS. (e.g. TESTRAIL_SOURCE_CREDENTIALS or TESTRAIL_TARGET_CREDENTIALS)

Credentials JSON Format

While the auth information will vary by integration, the general format of the credentials JSON is:

    "${DIRECTION}": {
      "${AUTH_KEY_1}: ${AUTH_VALUE_1},
      "${AUTH_KEY_2}: ${AUTH_VALUE_2}

An example would be:

  "testrail": {
    "source": {
      "base64Credentials": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
      "base_url": "https://fake-instance.testrail.com/"
  "yatt": {
    "target": {
      "token": "yatt_99866737272422404.7f879e26fd76d09ce9ca263f9231f2cf",
      "base_url": "http://app.yatt.ai/"

Included Integrations



JIRA uses HTTP basic authentication with either a password or an API token.

To configure with yatt-pipe, you must base64 encode your username followed by a colon (":") followed by your password or API key. In the terminal, you could run the following:

$ echo -n "username:password" | base64 -w0

You then would place this string ("dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" in the example above) into the base64Credentials field in your credentials JSON. In the example above, if we wanted to use JIRA as a source for data, and our JIRA instance was located at 'fake-instance.atlassian.net', our credentials JSON would look like:

  "jira": {
    "source": {
      "base64Credentials": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
      "base_url": "https://fake-instance.atlassian.net/"

Supported Types


JUnit Files


No configuration is required for JUnit files.

Supported Types




TestRail uses HTTP basic authentication with either a password or an API token.

To configure with yatt-pipe, you must base64 encode your username followed by a colon (":") followed by your password or API key. In the terminal, you could run the following:

$ echo -n "username:password" | base64 -w0

You then would place this string ("dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" in the example above) into the base64Credentials field in your credentials JSON. In the example above, if we wanted to use JIRA as a source for data, and our JIRA instance was located at 'fake-instance.atlassian.net', our credentials JSON would look like:

  "testrail": {
    "source": {
      "base64Credentials": "dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
      "base_url": "https://fake-instance.testrail.com/"

Supported Types




YATT uses bearer token authentication with tokens.

To configure with yatt-pipe, you must create a token and add it to your credentials JSON.

Your token goes into the token field in your credentials JSON. For example, if we wanted to use YATT as a target for data, and our token was "yatt_99866737272422404.7f879e26fd76d09ce9ca263f9231f2cf" then our credentials JSON would look like:

  "yatt": {
    "target": {
      "token": "yatt_99866737272422404.7f879e26fd76d09ce9ca263f9231f2cf",
      "base_url": "https://api.yatt.ai/"

Supported Types


Custom Integrations

Custom API integrations can easily be created with just a few pieces of information:

  • The authentication scheme
  • The paging mechanism (if applicable)
  • The API structure

All most custom integrations require is a simple JSON configuration file with the following format: (Note: If you need further details, the definitive example lives in configs/sample_config.json.)

  "name": ...,        // The name to identify this integration
  "requests_per_second": 2, // Allows for rate limiting requests
  "base_path": "index.php?", // Base path for API to be appended to configured `base_url`.
  "paging": { ... },
  "auth": { ... },
  "source": { ... },
  "target": { ... }


This section contains the parameters required for managing paging on API integrations.


  "paging": {
    "location": "response",
    "link_key": "_links.next",
    "options": {
      "location": "querystring",
      "limit": {
        "key": "limit",
        "value": "250"
      "offset": {
        "key": "offset"
KeyType / OptionsDescription
locationresponseWhere paging details are provided by source APIs.
link_keyStringThe key in the response where paging details an be found. Note: Sub keys in the JSON be nested with a ..
options.locationquerystringWhere paging details are passed to source APIs.
options.limit.keyStringThe key used to pass a page limit to source APIs.
options.limit.valueIntegerThe actual limit integer for source APIs.
optionsl.offset.keyStringThey key used to pass a paging offset to source APIs.


This section contains the parameters required for managing authentication with API integrations.


  "auth": {
    "type": "basic"
KeyType / OptionsDescription
typebasic/tokenThe type of authentication required by the API.


Basic auth uses HTTP basic auth. The auth JSON (either in the configuration file or the environment variable) requires one parameter: base64Credentials.

To determine the correct value for this paramter, you must base64 encode your username followed by a colon (":") followed by your password or API key. In the terminal, you could run something like the following:

$ echo -n "username:password" | base64 -w0

dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= is then the value for base64Credentials.


Token auth uses HTTP bearer tokens. The auth JSON (either in the configuration file or the environment variable) requires one parameter: token.

The value for this parameter is your bearer token for the service.


A source integraiton provides all of the information required to connect to a data source API.


  "source": {
    "projects": {
      "data_key": "projects",
      "target": "projects",
      "endpoints": {
        "index": {
          "path": "api/v2/get_projects"
        "get": {
          "path": "api/v2/get_project/{id}"
      "mapping": {
        "id": "source_id",
        "name": "name"
      "limit": {
        "type": "count",
        "value": "1000"
KeyType / OptionsDescription
{Endpoint Name}StringWithin the source block, the first key is the name of the endpoint. (Above, it is "projects".)
data_keyStringThis is the key in a response JSON where the data can be found. Often times, it is something like "entries". If the data is provided directly at the root of the response JSON (i.e. no metadata is included in the response), this can be left blank.
targetStringIf we want to transform the name of the data type internally (rather than use the endpoint name), we can supply that value.
endpointsMapIn this key, we can specify the various types of endpoints (e.g. endpoints for listing all data or individual data points).
endpoints.index.path/endpoints.show.pathStringThis is the API path for the endpoint/type combination.
mappingMapThis field allows us to map values to other values in the internal representation of the data (e.g. If we want to change the id field to be named source_id.
limitMapThis is the limit on the number of records to pull.
limit.typecount/matchThis specifies whether our limit is a raw count of records or continuing until we match a provided id.
limit.valueInteger/StringThe number of records or matching ID. _Note: IDs are specified by the format {field_name_to_match}:{id}. e.g.: id:1234.


A target integraiton is substantially similar to a source integration - it provides all of the information required to connect to a data target API.


  "target": {
    "projects": {
      "target": "projects",
      "endpoints": {
        "create": {
          "single_path": "api/v2/add_project",
          "required": ["name"]
        "update": {
          "path": "api/v2/update_project/{id}",
          "required": ["id", "name"],
          "update_key": "id"
KeyType / OptionsDescription
{Endpoint Name}StringWithin the source block, the first key is the name of the endpoint. (Above, it is "projects".)
targetStringIf we want to transform the name of the data type from what the internal representation (usually the endpoint name), we can supply that value.
endpointsMapIn this key, we can specify the various types of endpoints (e.g. endpoints for creating new data versus updating current data points).
endpoints.create.single_path/endpoints.create.bulk_path/endpoints.update.pathStringThis is the API path for the endpoint/type combination.
endpoints.create.required/endpoints.update.requiredListA list of required fields to create/update data.
endpoints.create.data_keyStringThis is the key in a POST JSON where the data can be found. Often times, it is something like "entries". This only applies to bulk creation endpoints.
endpoints.update.update_keyStringThe key used to identify which data to update (e.g. the id).
mappingMapThis field allows us to map values to other values in the internal representation of the data (e.g. If we want to change the id field to be named source_id.

1 year ago


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1 year ago


1 year ago