1.1.3 • Published 4 years ago

you-elle v1.1.3

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Last release
4 years ago

:spiral_calendar: you-elle

License: MIT Dependencies npm vulnerabilities last commit
A nodejs cli for University of Limerick course timetables


:computer: Installation

This package can be installed from the NPM registry or installed after cloning or downloading the repo.

To install from the npm registry run npm i -g you-elle
To install after cloning the repo run npm i -g .

you-elle can also be used without installing via npx

:keyboard: Usage

To use the program run the command you-elle
You can then select your year and course from the menus

Alternatively you can specify year and course as command line arguments in the form you-elle year course
Eg: you-elle 1 LM121
The course must be the UL prefix
The year must be between 1 and 5

To use the program without installing run npx you-elle

:hammer: Built With

  • Node.js - The runtime

  • inquirer.js - For the interactive commands

  • cli-table3 - To form a table

  • form-data - To send a request to the UL timetable web app

  • jsdom - To traverse the dom sent as a response by the web app

  • cfonts - The fancy you-elle front

  • chalk - To color some of the text

:construction_worker_man: Dev Dependencies

  • eslint - The Google javascript coding style is used for this project

  • jest - Is used for the unit tests

:speaking_head: Acknowledgments


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago