Get part meronym pointers from id in WordNet book.
Get part meronym pointers from id in WordNet book.
New Updated tool v-tueyzd
JSDoc parser
This is package poor-brown-woodpecker
The worker which is used by the extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder package.
On-screen Javascript Virtual Keyboard (Korean layout, English layout)
Simple Virtual keyboard plugin for web applications , based on HTML, javascript and CSS
Onscreen virtual keyboard for Angular ≥ 5 (https://angular.io/) using Material 2 (https://material.angular.io/).
The Hawkeye Design System is a Bootstrap theme specific to the University of Iowa.
Display OS-centric keystrokes in browser
React-native-keyboard space animates the sliding up of your child component whenever keyboard appears.
Key Code constants
Tree nodes for key and key/value pairs in object path hierarchies.
A collection of key code mappings
High level API for key codes in node.js desktop applications. (ex: process.stdin.write(keys({ ctrl: true, name: 'c'})
Key management for Democracy, a minimalist framework for distributed countries
Converts currency value represented numerically to a words.
TKey Web Storage Module
Random String Messages