an easy-to-use nodemailer package in Promise way
an easy-to-use nodemailer package in Promise way
mock-mailer for putting tests around services that use node-mailer
A plugin for nodemailer that uses express-handlebars view engine to generate emails
Nodemailer Transport Module for Sendinblue
Mandrill API and Nodemailer v4+. The plugin is very small, optimized and written in TypeScript
Sign Nodemailer mail using S/MIME
Stub transport for Nodemailer. Testing your mails in Node.js is now easy.
Forward Email is the best free email forwarding for custom domains at
📮 Email queue extending NodeMailer with multi SMTP transports and horizontally scaled apps support
Adds email sending capability to a Nuxt.js app. Adds a server route, an injected variable, and uses nodemailer to send emails.
Fastify nodemailer plugin
Mailgun API V3 and Nodemailer v4+. The plugin is very small, optimized and written in TypeScript
Push All In One!支持 Server酱(以及 Server 酱³)、自定义邮件、钉钉机器人、企业微信机器人、企业微信应用、pushplus、iGot 、Qmsg、息知、PushDeer、Discord、OneBot、Telegram 等多种推送方式
Strapi SMTP email provider with nodemailer
In-browser preview transport module for Nodemailer
Node-RED nodes to send emails by nodemailer
Email Sending Module for NestJS with Queue capabilities
A nodemailer plugin for pug templates
client for ms-mailer
A plugin for nodemailer that uses express-handlebars view engine to generate emails, generates the plain text extracting the data from the HTML returned by the handlebars compiler and also injects the CSS inside <script> tags inside the HTML tags