Meow.js - A library to *meow*
Meow.js - A library to *meow*
larf another redundant framework
A command line tool to give you useless information about your programming project such as mean characters per line etc.
a useless npm module
The Jake Jarvis CLI
Actual empty file (browserify's _empty.js as a package)
A NPM library to generate "facts" from
Bomb middleware for Redux.
This is just a test package, created in the context of an npm-workshop. Yay.
useless module for npm
integrate three-word thingies that randomly appear in the header of the with our web site
Still missing Ruby?
Just to have a basic thing green in the CICD
Useless module for random shouting
Use Less. Do More. JavaScript on steroids.
A simple and useless script 🚀🔝😂
A simple meishi.
Purgecss with Wordpress & Woocommerce
Returns a random happy/positive emoji
Returns a random, web safe font