Universal NodeJS wrapper for working with RabbitMQ, Redis pub/sub, Kafka and other message queues
Universal NodeJS wrapper for working with RabbitMQ, Redis pub/sub, Kafka and other message queues
ZeroMQ for node.js
Next-generation ZeroMQ bindings for Node.js (ably fork)
A typed, documented and simplified zeromq.js"
FMOD service API
A plugin to work with ZeroMQ in EthronLabs.
Next-generation ZeroMQ bindings for Node.js
An high-performance Node.js microservices framework based on ZeroMQ
Next-generation ZeroMQ bindings for Node.js
Next-generation ZeroMQ bindings for Node.js
A module for copying zeromq binaries built using Azure Pipelines into the zeromq package.
Javascript client for [tiny-broke](https://github.com/fabienjuif/tiny-broke).
Next-generation ZeroMQ bindings for Node.js
A module for copying zeromq binaries built using Azure Pipelines into the zeromq package.
pm2-intercom is problematic with PM2 2.x, this is a mimic version to temporarily resolve some problem in our own project
A transport layer for to sit between protobuf and zmq
ZeroMQ for node.js
The device module for Colliejs
Collie server
High-level messaging & socket patterns implemented in pure js