Encryption and decryption of characters using arithmetic and bitwise operations.
Encryption and decryption of characters using arithmetic and bitwise operations.
Chai assertions for comparing arbitrary-precision integers using the ethers BigNumber library
A simple calculator package for basic arithmetic operations
Library for compiling circom to arithmetic circuits
A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic
A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic
A BigDecimal implementation with native BigInts
Big integers.
Precise Arithmetic for Numbers of Any Size in JavaScript
A lightweight utility library designed for efficient manipulation and calculation of large numbers within arrays
An arbitrary-precision arithmetic library for JavaScript
Library for representing decimal numbers and large integers of arbitrary-precision and using basic and complex mathematical methods, conversions between bases and logical operations with good handling of descriptive errors.
Convert Satoshi units <-> BGL
Creating a simple Command Line Calculator using TypeScript with Node.js and the Inquirer Library.
A simple calculator using Typescript with Node.js and Inquirer liabraries.
Basic Utility Belt is a versatile collection of essential utility functions designed to simplify a wide range of common programming tasks. Whether you need to manipulate dates, perform arithmetic operations, or process strings, this toolkit has you covere
This library provides a simple way to do math operations in base 100
Arbitrary-precision Complex type, backed by decimal.js
A simple math library
Display randomly positioned, non-overlapping, customized dots in your HTML.