Grid component
Grid component
Component package for episode lists
React component for Useful Links
A lean error message component, designed for embedded content.
React styled component for displaying a timestamp with a suitable semantic markup
React component for a Paragraph
React component for a sitewide-links
A component for the most read item
React styled components for a Caption
List of story promos
A collection of locale configs, used in BBC World Service sites
Provides a play button, with optional duration, for playable media.
React component for an Inline Link
React component for a script switch
A collection of common values that are used in storybook by the Psammead components.
React component for a live label
A h1 to be used on index pages
A collection of helper methods for implementing Jest snapshot tests for emotion, required by many Psammead components.
Webpack plugin and timezone data includes to pull in specific timezone data into desired chunks.
Replaces % delimited tokens with a value from the dictionary object