Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic using OpenSSL
Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic using OpenSSL
A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic
Convert Satoshi <-> Bitcoin
jsbn-based arbitrary precision operations on currency amounts "XXX.YY"; because floats are BAD for representing money
Enhanced fork of json-bigint that allows parsing all big number values in JSON strings.
Check if a number is in a given range
Runtime library for code generated by the protoc plugin "protobuf-ts"
JSON.parse with bigints support
128 and 256 bits integer and fixed point arithmetics for AssemblyScript. Also support checking overflow/underflow
High perfomance big integer library for modern javascript application
53-bit and 63-bit integer implementation for GraphQL
An arbitrarily-sized-integer library for JavaScript.
JSON.parse with bigints support
The protocol buffer compiler plugin "protobuf-ts" generates TypeScript, gRPC-web, Twirp, and more.
BigInt-based rational number library focused on accounting
Safe number parsing for pg and Sequelize.
Compile JSBI code to native BigInt code.
Fast, and reliable, distributed 64-bit ID generation, in pure JavaScript, for Node.js.
Generate random bigints.
Common types, type guards and type checkers.