Bookshelf hook for the Strapi framework
Bookshelf hook for the Strapi framework
a knex mock adapter for simulating a db during testing
Database cleaner for Knex.js and bookshelf.js
A plugin for Bookshelf that allows getting or setting virtual properties on model instances.
Auto update relations
Module to parse MS SQL Server connection string
Database migrations with knex.
Mask Bookshelf.js models with json-mask
Parse JSON columns with Bookshelf.js
Soft delete data from your database
Cascade delete with Bookshelf.js
Validation for the Model objects of Bookshelf.js
Automatically generates UUID for your models
Convert column names to camelCase for gets and back to snake_case for sets
Automatically update timestamps on your Bookshelf models when saving
A bookshelf plugin for performing upserts
Soft Delete for Bookshelf.js
Giving you Rails like scopes in Bookshelf.js.
Bookshelf plugin for adding returning clause to insert/update queries
Bookshelf hook for the Strapi framework