Atomic positions and numbers of the caffeine molecule.
Atomic positions and numbers of the caffeine molecule.
A table of information about the chemical elements.
Pairwise lennard-jones potential in javascript.
Takes a pairwise function and returns a function that can calculate the energy from a set of 3D positions.
An xyz chemical file format parser and tools for interacting with xyz files.
Web-based molecule sketcher
Class to support infinite molecules
Library for authentication was been writting by Chemistry Coding.
Periodic Table of Elements
MathType Web for CKEditor5 editor
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/carbon-icon-chemistry/1.3.0
A reliable API for the chemistry table elements.
It contains the entire periodic table and has handy functions that return the information of elements and compounds.
A set of chemistry related tools for AngularJS
Customizable React loading spinner that looks like an atom
Draw chemical structures with js and Konva
Handle molecules with bokeh
ChemCryption is now available at https://chemrxiv.org/articles/preprint/Plausibly_Deniable_Chemical_Encryption_Hiding_a_Molecule_in_a_Haystack/12901766/1.
A useful package for demonstration purposes