Plain color conversion functions
Plain color conversion functions
A convertor between XML text and Javascript object / JSON text.
Fast and advanced TIFF decoder
Newline character converter
Encrypt/Decrypt the values of a given object
Pure functions for color conversion and parsing
Javascript color object with implicit color space conversions. Supports RGB, HSV, HSL and CMYK with alpha channel.
converts all sorts of colors to rgb format.
Convert RGB(A) color to HEX
Convert Swagger 2.0 definitions to OpenApi 3.0 and validate
Canvas to Blob is a polyfill for the standard JavaScript canvas.toBlob method. It can be used to create Blob objects from an HTML canvas element.
Convert any CSS unit to logical pixels ("px")
Implemets the CIEDE2000 color difference algorithm, conversion between RGB and LAB color and mapping all colors in palette X to the closest or most different color in palette Y based on the CIEDE2000 difference.
Convert HEX color to RGBA
Small, fast and advanced PNG / APNG encoder and decoder
Unit conversion functions for Ethereum.
Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
Convert the process.hrtime() array to a single nanoseconds value. This makes it easier to diff times.
JavaScript currency conversion library.
Chinese Calendar