mapping of class names to CSS modules inside Deku components
mapping of class names to CSS modules inside Deku components
Todo app implemented in Teth and T.
Todo app implemented in Teth and T with Redux conventions.
The Guides and Scouts of Finland (Suomen Partiolaiset – Finlands Scouter ry) style guide in CSS
A template project for es6/7, webpack2/3, sass and postcss
Use Antd (with Less) with Next.js, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.
Use Antd (with Less) with Next.js, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.
Use Antd (with Less) with Next.js, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.
A css modules optimization plugin for vue
解决vite中react和preact 处理不同目录cssmodule的不同配置问题,并且省略文件名中的.module
无论是微服务还是大型的项目,样式多了就容易被覆盖,目前css-in-js,scoped等都可以来实现,当然我比较喜欢使用CSS-Module,主要可以自由的定制class名称,也可以很好的去做区分,Vite其实也提供了CssModule,也可以根据不同的文件来自定义名称,但抛弃不掉的是.module.scss, 下面就说一下类似webpack中oneOf功能的Vite CssModule 插件,可以针对不同的正则来使用不同的CSS Module规则。
Adds the filename without the -module suffix to the class names of CSS modules.
css-module syntactic sugar for vue3
scope tailwindcss class name with css module, suitable for component library
Mocking css modules in jest.
Group the styles exported by CSS Modules
A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
Use Antd (with Less) with Next.js, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.
Use Antd (with Less) with Next.js, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.
Use Antd (with Less) with Next.js, Zero Dependency on other Next-Plugins.