A component library aiming to help people with dyslexia.
A component library aiming to help people with dyslexia.
Generate a code snippet to create a Google Analytics tracker object
A React Treeview Component
customized ast project
Generate angular widget extension feature
customizing docx template with data
customize selected date calendar
TypeDoc theme that adds some useful options (header links, custom style and script, ability to create files etc)
Merge and validate your config depending of your schema, forked from node-convict.
A simple and fully customizable React Native component that toasts for both android an iOS.
A customizable context menu component built for Vue2, supporting fontawesome icons, auto right/bottom boundary detection.
A docsify.js plugin for rendering a slate alike right example panel straight from markdown
Customize scrollbar in modern browsers with smooth scrolling experience.
Customize NodeBB translations and templates
Customize scrollbar in modern browsers with smooth scrolling experience.
A small command-line Node module that allows Angular CLI's Webpack config file to be customized
A custom CKEditor 5 build made by the CKEditor 5 online builder.
Provide a nice code playground that let you play with some html, javascript (coffee, typescript, etc...) and css (sass, scss, stylus, etc...)
Vue integration framework built based on your own ideas, it is an integrated architecture that can automate the construction, operation and construction
A serverless plugin to manage configurations for a micro-service stack.